I forgive you... Jiminie... Just wait for me... I'll wake up soon... I promise...He was baffled why he was thinking of that. He just felt like he should be thinking about it as if he was having a conversation with someone he couldn't see or hear.
Amidst the darkness that surrounded him-the nothingness that embraced his body, he felt like he wasn't alone. As if someone was there with him- wherever he might be.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Yoongi laid awake, staring at the ceiling. He wasn't so sure if the others were pretending to sleep like he was, but he didn't make an effort to know.
He wasn't used to a quiet room where all the members were present because they were always loud. Not at all. Maybe that was partly why he couldn't sleep- as weird as that sounds.
Out of the blue, someone spoke. It was a whisper but he could hear it talking to Taehyung.
It was Jimin.
He just listened as Jimin plead and asked for forgiveness. He just listened as the younger cried.
Should he go over there and comfort the other? Or should he just let him be?
Let him be?
Yoongi mentally sniggered.
That's what he did with Taehyung. When he caught Taehyung wearing an unfamiliar emotion in his eyes, he let it be. Look how that ended for Yoongi? He was totally regretting it now. So would he risk it with any other members? Not a chance. No way in hell. Not again.
Yoongi sat up from his lying position on the couch and looked at Jimin.
The boy didn't even notice his movements, too preoccupied wiping furiously at his face.
Yoongi stood up and quietly approached him, careful not to startle the younger.
He put a hand on the younger's shoulder and gave it a light squeeze.
Jimin turned to look up at him in surprise. Yoongi smiled comfortingly at him and the younger returned it with his own.
Jimin twisted his body to face Yoongi completely as the younger made a move to touch his face.
Yoongi was confused but when he felt Jimin's fingers brush at his cheeks, he realized, in complete shock, that he was crying.
"Shit," he cursed under his breath quietly as he too, wiped furiously at his face.
This whole situation was so unlike him- so out of his character.
"It's okay to cry, hyung," Jimin offered his eye smile to the elder as they fell into a comfortable silence looking at Taehyung and imagining the sleeping boy awake.

His Boxy Smiles
FanfictionSometimes, people need to learn the hard way not to take people for granted. Especially when that person is someone as important as Taehyung to BTS. {~I'm skipping prologue guys~} (Not edited)