Chapter 1

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Annyeong! This is my first Kpop story, hope you enjoy and leave some comments for me >•<

Yeona POV

      That's it! This is the moment I've been dreaming of!
"Starlings! Stand By!"-Producer
"Ok girls! We've been training hard for this, don't be nervous and give it all our best because we will rock this stage"- Leader
"starlings! fighting!"

"Next we have the new girl group who will be debuting today right here on this stage, give it all to.... STARLINGS!!"

*music and cheers*
The big screen started showing -
Min Jae

The lights almost blind me as I stepped on the bright stage of my dream. The sound of the cheers, people who support us, the music playing as we sing along and dance our heart out. Everything went perfectly! This is marvelo--!!!!!!! *thud* *thud*

Owwie! Oh no! What have I done? It's over.....

*mumbles mumbles*
This must be the most scary thing I've ever faced. Me and my group mates stand in a row with our head down in the chairman office.

"You guys! I can't believe what happened! How could you, how could you embarrass me like this? This is humiliating! How could an idol group created my SM fall down flat on stage like domino?"- SM Chairman, Soo Man

"I-I'm deeply sorry Chairman, it's my fault as a leader "-Hyomi

"Fault? Are u sure you want to be responsible for this? We've invested millions on you girls, Are u sure u want to pay us back?"-Soo Man

Oh no unnie!

" *sigh* secretary! "-SM
"Yes sir"- Secretary
"Make sure they reflected on there actions. Send them under guidance of the professionals and Ban their activities for a while. You may leave!"-SM

"Arghh!! I thought I would die"-Nano
"We're lucky to just be send under guidance, but banning our activities after debut is gonna make it difficult for us"-Hyomi
"We can't complaint, we got off easily this time, we should thankful"-Minjae
"So much for wanting to go viral on the web"-Lala
"We did go viral! As the girl group who falls flat on debut stage, plus it's live television"-Yeona

"Girls! From now on you have to train again under the guidance of EXO, work harder this time and don't fail again. I already told them about this, you can just wait for them in the choreography room 2"-Secretary.

"No way !! EXO sunbaenim?"-Nano

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