Chapter 13

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---Later that morning----
After finish eating we all went our separate ways. I'm just laying on the couch in the living room watching Running Man.
"You're like a lazy cat"-Xiumin came and jump onto the couch (on me).
"Aishh! You're so heavy, go sit somewhere else"-I tried to push him off me but he's too strong, so I bit him.
"Ahh!!"-He screamed, and tickle me
"Ahhahahaha! I'm sorry please spare me"-I hit his chest. Before I knew it, I'm laying on top of him facing down, our faces came closer. I closed my eyes and so his soft beautiful lips met mine. After a while we broke the kiss, I smiled and he smiled back. I snuggled my head with his chest, he stroke my soft silky hair then his hand went beneath my top to hug me by my tummy and we continue to watch the show together. I never thought this day would happen when I was just one of fans.
The show ended so now we have nth to do.
"Let's go to the beach and take romantic strolls"-Xiumin
"Sure let's go, LaLa! Nano! Oh Lay Oppa too let's go to the beach together"-I got off Xiumin and went to call out everyone whose free to play at the beach.
"Great, with everyone there it's gonna be more romantic huh?"-Xiumin mumble to himself.

---At the beach----

"Yeona do you know how to swim?"-Lay
"Hey, I'm a professional okay?"-Me
"Oh really? Then let's have a race whoever grab this ball first win"-He threw a red ball far from where we are, deeper actually.
"Sure, I'll count to three. THREE!!"-I dive in and swim fast
"Yah!"-Lay followed
I haven't swim for a while, I'm losing speed, Lay is catching up, I'm nearly there just...a bit....
"Yay, I win!!"-Lay shout and give me that in your face look.
"Ahh!! My leg!!"-I sink down.

"Ahhh!!"-Yeona scream, she's sinking. She has a cramp!! Oh no. I swim to her real fast, I grabbed her and take her to the surface.
"Yeona!! Yeona!! Are you okay?"-I asked while hugging tight around her waist to my body.
"I'm good but...."-Yeona
"I got ya!"-She burst out laughing.
"You..... oh? Something just went pass and brush my leg!"-I let her go but she cling onto me.
"What? What is it? Omg let's go back to land"-She hug my neck and make me piggyback her. I can feel her skin, it kinda made me delusional, sorry.
"Hey, just get down and walk by yourself"-Me
"Noooo!!!! OPPA PLEASE, Oppa hurry"-Me shows her agyeo. Aish! This girl.
I took her back to land and saw Xiumin hyung staring but not in a good way. I took her to him.
"You guys look good out there"-He said sarcastically.
"Really?"-Yeona smiled, she's quiet dense when it comes to herself huh?
     "They're back"-I pionted out to the van Suho drive to the locals with the others.
     "Oh! I'm gonna go up and clean myself, I have to help Ruri bake a cake"-Yeona grab a towel and start packing her belongings.
     "Wait, Let's go together, Yeona go call the others"-Xiumin
      "Kayyy!!"-Yeona answered like a little kid and ran to call the others.
      I washed up in my room and went downstairs, the others are already done.
       "What are you baking? Can I help?"-D.O leaned on the kitchen counter.
      "Sure! Help us, we're baking a matcha cake and also cookies"-Nano
      "And Yeona, stop licking the Nutella! Sehun stop feeding it to her"-Hyomi
      "Kay!!!"- They said with their heads down and put down the gave me the Nutella bottle, great now I'll eat it.
       After a long time of chaos in the kitchen the girls said they finally finished their masterpiece and I had to admit Ruri is as good as a pro chef.

The girls finished baking, it's delicious but I was also forced to eat Yeona's burnt cookies. -.-
Later that evening we watched some scary movies together, I swear our hearings won't be the same as before after this because of the girls and suho. And we decided to end the night with a romantic movies which is supposed to make the girls cry, but Yeona just slept through the movie. I carried her to her room. She's so precious, my beautiful angel. I kiss her forehead and went back to my room.

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