Chapter 22

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Sayori POV

I waited till they finished they're meal at the cafeteria and grabbed that chance to take Nano away.
"Hey Nano, can we talk for a bit? I'll pay you coffee"-I went up to her and asked.
"Oh, hey Sayori. Sure I guess I can go with you for a bit I got plenty of time till the next schedule"-Nano got up and we both went for coffee at the private cafe in the company.
       When we got there, I went to order coffee for us, Nano went to find us a seat.
        "So, what do you want to talk about?"-Nano asked me as I hand her the coffee.
       "Ummm, I just wanted to talk to you since you've been really busy lately. Maybe you wanted to talk about your problems or maybe about Lay"-Me
       "Oh is that so? Thank you for caring, I was having quite a hard time with all the busy schedule but by next week we'll be done with promotions so we could finally have some time off"-Nano took a sip of her coffee.
      "That's great then, and what about Lay? Have you made any progress?"-I asked
      "Ah, well....nothing much. He still doesn't seems to feel anything for me"-She looked down.
"Hmm? Maybe he likes someone else? Someone in your group?"-I suggested.
"Huh? You think so too? Although I don't want to admit it cause I love Yeona and I don't want to end up hating her and hurting our friendship. Beside, Yeona is living happily in her relationship with Min... Ah! Oh no! I wasn't supposed to say that. Please forget about that and don't tell a word about it okay? Promise? Please Sayori..."-She begged me.
I see now. She doesn't seems to want my help so I can't get her to my side. Then there's plan B.
"Of course I won't tell a word. You trust me right?"-I grabbed her hand and stare at her, so I can earn her trust. And she nodded.

"Oh yeah! I forgot to send the files to the producer. Oh no! My phone is out of battery too. I need to call him and ask him to wait for tonight"-I made a worried expression.
"Um, you can use my phone to call him if you want"-Nano offered her phone to me.
"Eh? Really? You're a life saver Nano. Thanks a lot"-I hugged her and went a bit far away to call except I won't be calling anyone.

"Here you go! Thanks again. You really saved me, I could have got scolded if I hadn't called"-I gave her back her phone.
"It's okay, I'm your cousin after all. Tell me if you need any help"-Nano
"Yes, I will"-Me
"Oh, it's time to go back now. See you later"-She got up from her seat and flash me a smile and a wave, I returned her wave.

Of course I'll need a lot of your help Nano. You really are a lifesaver saving me and my Oppa's happy life together. Now that I have the videos HaHaHa

Nano POV
      After my talk at the coffee shop with Sayori I'm heading back to the practice room, where everyone usually chill.
      *ding* I looked at my phone and saw that I got a text from Hyomi, asking me to buy them ice cream. Geez, I'm too lazy to go and there probably fans outside the building waiting to take pictures of any idol they see. But Hyomi asked me to do it so I can't go against her.
       I took out my mask and hat to cover myself, and then run to the nearest convenient store. I put about 20 ice cream in the basket and went to the cashier to pay.
     "How much?"- I asked him after he finished scanning all of them.
     " It's XXXXX won "-He said
     "I'll pay with cash"- I put my phone on the cashier table cause my hands are full and I need to pay him. Then after I paid, I quickly left and run back so the fans won't catch me.

      "I'm back! And I got your ice cream. You better pay me back double cause I risked my life going there you know"-I walked in the practice room and gave the bag of ice cream to D.O
      "Yayyy!!! Ice cream. Thanks Nano"-Yeona sent me hearts.
"I want Chocolate"-Sehun
"Nooo!!!! I want chocolate too and there only one.....Sehun ah, you know you like me and I'm adorable right?"-She once again use her aegyo on Sehun.
"No fair! Aegyo? Fine you can have it"-And she won.
"Oh? Banana? Ahhh, Lay Oppa here's banana for you"-Yeona passes the ice cream to Lay.
"You remembered I like banana? Thanks"-Lay took the banana ice cream from her. So he likes banana ice cream? Why does Yeona know so much about him?
"Blueberry for my Minnie Oppa"-Yeo

"Hyung! It's been a while since we went out together. How about going somewhere again? Like a trip?"-Chanyeol asked Suho
"Oh yeah! You girls have 2 days off next month right? Where do you want to go?"-Suho asked
"Baekhyun grandmother's house"-Lay raised his hand.
"Amusement park"-Me and Yeo jinxed each other.
"But they'll be lots of people and they'll recognize us, our fans will go crazy"-Suho suggested.
"Awwwwwww"-The maknae sulk
"Then we can go there at night with some disguise no one will recognize us"-Hyomi signaled Suho
"Eh? Fine we can go but only if you behave"-Suho sighed.
"Yaaayyyy, Hyomi Umma is da best"-The maknaes.
"Suho Appa is so boring"-The maknaes
"Heyyy Kids!"-Suho said making Hyomi blushed, awww.

"Omo Omo Omo!! The videos, there's tons of scandalous stuff in there. Us drinking, Lay Yeo and Kai dirty dancing, Chanbaek rated moments, Yeo and Minseok hyung making out. If anyone to get a hold of these we're doom. I better save it into my secret drive and delete it from our phones"-Chanyeol panicked.
"Jingja?! I'll delete it from my phone too then.....wait where is it?....hmm???!!! WHERES MY PHOONNNEEEE?!!!!!"-I screamed in panic.
"Did you check properly? Where's the last place you've seen it?"-Kai.
"Last place.... the convenient store"-I recalled.
"The fans saw you too, we better go. Actually no, we'll make a younger trainee go"-LaLa.

(An hour later)
"Sunbaenim I got your phone"-Trainee
"Thank you Lucas, I'll treat you to something nice later"-I thanked him.

Yeona POV
(Next morning)
"YEONA!! What were you thinking? I told you last time to be careful but now look at this, it's already the second time. How am I gonna tell the press? The fans....Arghhh! The Fans! They won't believe us this time. Starlings will definitely be hated"-LSM
"I'm sorry, it's my fault. I should have.."-Xiumin apologized
"You! Shut up! You're not in this Xiumin"-LSM shouted.
"And Lay! You''re a professional. You should've known better"-LSM
"I'm sending you back to China for 3 months, until the everything have calmed down"-LSM
"What?? But...."-Lay protested. That's too cruel, we won't be able to see each other and running away will only make the fans suspect even more and attack Lay too.
"Um, Sir. Maybe we can just not say anything and let them think whatever they want, I mean... there are only a small number of fans who hated it but most of Lay's fan are Chinese and they seems to support him with Yeona. I think attention will start to go to Yeo and Starlings, if we can get the Chinese fan to Starlings too then it would be a great advantage"-His secretary suggested.
"Hmmm I see where you're going. If the comments are positive then it would be great. I guess then Lay can stay and Starling will be more popular too"-LSM mumbled
"Really? So Lay can stay?"-I asked, if he can then that's great. I don't want our group to separate and it's because of me, Lay might get hated, and my group will hurt a lot.
"Yes, and apparently you already have a ship name from the fans, Yeolay"-Secretary.
"What? A ship name?"-Xiumin
"We'll stay quiet for now but there's more positive comments then you guys are dating. But not actually dating if you don't want to just put on a show, a cute ideal couple"-LSM
"Teacher! Yeona is my girlfriend"-Xiumin looks angry.
"Yes I know Xiumin. But I'm not telling them to actually date, it's just for show. Don't you want Lay to stay? Don't you want Starling to become more successful? It's a win win, plus you can't be seen dating her cause you yourself know, your fan base in Korea is the biggest, you're the most popular here and fans will go crazy if you're in a scandal"-LSM
Xiumin fell speechless.
"You are dismissed"-LSM sighed.

"Oppa!"-I ran to hug him from behind. He still wouldn't say a thing. He must have felt really bad, like he's been crushed down. I myself don't know what to do. He wouldn't talk and shut himself in him room all day, he doesn't seems to eat much too. I can't go to their dorm for the moment, I'm making Chen Oppa take care of him.

This is terrible, at this rate.... I'm his girlfriend but I'm supposed to be all lovely dovey with other guy in front of him while pretending not to know him. It's like someone stabbing me with a knife.
How should I solve this? Idk but I have to hurry and come up with something.

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