Chapter 6

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Yeona POV

        I thought I can escape him for today but why is he here again? Though I'm not sad about seeing him, to tell you the truth I'm his fan, but who knows he's a jerk like this what's worse is he only bullies me.
        We started to warm up before dancing. Xiumin warmed up quietly by himself, I glance at him from time to time. You can see him stretching and flexing his muscles. Am I a pervert? XD
        We're learning Exo- Monster today, just the first verse and chorus because everyone wanted to. Xiumin kept complaining on how I sucks and have bad positions and so on just like yesterday. 
        Finally, thank god it's time for a break.
     "I feel like dying"-Me
     "But don't you think it's kinda fun? Still we have to get used to this much hardship in order to survive in the future"-Hyomi
      "Yeona, Go get me a bottle of water"-Xiumin with hands busy with his phone.
      "Don't you have hands and legs?"-Me
      "Don't you keep your promises?"-Xiumin
      Huh? What is he tal--- ahh, I promised to do whatever he say.
       "Fine!"-I went to the tea room and brought back several bottles of water with me for his Royal Highness and the others.
       "Here! Your water"-I hand him the water.
       "Good girl! Now open it for me"-Xiumin still on his phone
       "What? Then do you want me to drink it for you too?"-Me
       "Sure! Drink it and then I'll steal it back from your mouth"-Xiumin finally turned to give me a smirk.
        Gosh what is saying? He's going to kiss me?
        "EWWW!!! No Disgusting, you gave me goosebumps"-I toss him the water and he walk away. I can hear him laughing at my reaction.
        "Ooooh!! You guys got along so well. Xiumin treat you differently from the others, I smell something."-LaLa
       "You mean how he only bully me? Right"-Me

        "Okay guys, let's go back to practicing"-Kai clapped twice for our attention.
        "Eyy! Practice is so boring. Can't we do sth else like a dance battle instead?"-LaLa
        So just like that, we're having a dance battle. The mood got hyped up, we got some laugh out of each other and become closer. When night fall, everyone went back to the dorm to rest. I decided to stay behind to practice a bit more.
        I wanna learn Exo-Mama since it looks complicated and I like complicated stuffs. But while I was dancing I heard the door creaked. My heart jumped, I turned around and look who's's not Xiumin. I'm sorry XD
        "Oh! Yeona what are you doing this late alone?"-Lay
        "Sunbae-nim, I was just practicing for a bit more"-Me
        "Just call me Lay"-Lay
        "Oh no, you're older than me I should respect you"-me
        "Hmm, then how about Oppa? If you're comfortable with that. Btw what song are you practicing? Mama? It's really hard, want me to teach you?"-Lay
        "Yes, Oppa"-Me

We practice for a few hours, Lay kept correcting my postures but he did it in a kind way unlike that guy. His big hand held mine, his hands on my waist, it almost seems like he's back hugging me and we're making out or sth XD. It made me blush and my heart pounded, but he doesn't seems to notice the situation.
So at this part I'm supposed to turn and move my leg here and then this and that and woah, I lost my balance, I'm gonna fall. I shut my eyes close and prepare for the fall but it doesn't seems like I'm gonna fall. I opened my eyes and see Lay's face in front of mine. His arm wrapped around my body and his other hand support mine. My heart is pounding hard, our faces are only inches away. What to do?


I was getting ready to go home when I saw the practice room lights are still on and there's music coming from it. I peeked through the door, Yeona is there alone dancing to our song, Mama. That's a difficult song but she did good, her rhythm is good, she's enjoying it, you can see her passion and emotion in her dance. That's pretty cute.
I wasn't careful and pushed the door. She turned around and caught me. I have no choice but to pretend I was just passing by.
I said I will teach her the song cause why not? I want to send her home because it's getting really late and we might become closer..XD
So I was teaching her and while I wasn't looking I heard a squeak, I turned and see Yeona losing her balance and falling. I rushed to her and caught her but our faces are only a few inches away. In this kind of situations like on dramas, what do I do? My heart is gonna explode. Should I k-kiss her or help her back? But kissing is too much, we just got close and she might reject me and end the relationship so I'll just ignore it and help her back.

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