Chapter 17

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Yeona POV
       He's not my Minnie
      "Jonghyung sunbaenim..."-Me
      "Why do you look so disappointed? Who were you expecting?"-Jonghyung
      "Ehhh? Haaaa.....oh, sunbaenim did you arrive here long ago?"-Lol the question is so weird.
       "No, I just came. So how do feel after debut?"-JH
       "Excited, nervous, you know....that feel"-Me
       "Haha, I remember feeling like that when I was a rookie. You know, if you wanted to talk or learn a thing or too you can come to me. I don't mind helping such a cutie"-He winked at me. HaHa! Wow! This is awkward, what do I do? @.@
       "I'm sorry jonghyung, can I take her back?"-Xiumin wrapped his right arm around my shoulders.
       "Ooh! She's with you?"-JH
       "Yeah, she's with me"-XM
       "Aish! Xiumin you're pretty quick. I'll give up then, but if you ever got tired of him, remember I'm always free. "- JH said giving him that smirk. Xiumin returned it back. I bowed him goodbye and Xiumin dragged me some where else.
         We came to the garden on top of the building.
         "Here!"-He handed my a small box. Wahhh!! Gift!!!
         "Woah! What's this? What's inside?"-I took the box from him.
         "Open and you'll see"-Xiumin
        I opened the box and you'll see. It's...empty. I'm stunned. -.-
      "Hahahaha, taadaa!!"-He hold up his fist and a necklace fell out. It's the Cartier love necklace he always wear, it's white gold. (Look in pic above)
       "What's this? It's soooo cute. It's the necklace you always wear"- (*≧∀≦*)
        "Eh? How do you know?"-Xiumin is shocked
        "Don't underestimate your fans, we know notice every single small details of you, but I'm not a sasaeng okay?"-I smirked.
       "Here, let me put it on for you. Don't lose it okay? It's expensive."-He stood behind me and put the necklace on me. Then he hugged me from behind. (Gosh! If only that would happen for real T.T)
       "Thank you Oppa! But what if the fans find out. They're really good at this"-I turned around to face him.
      "Well....We can always say it's just misunderstanding and just try not to show it"-Xiumin
      "Hmm, I guess that's all we can do"-Me
      "You're so cute"-Xiumin
      "Eh? Why?"-Me
      "Idk, just want to say it"-Xiumin
      "YoYo!!"-Sehun suddenly pop up, making us jump as far apart as we can.
      "COME HERE URGENTLY"-Sehun waved
      "What? Why? Huh?"- I rushed to him. He took my hand and run back to the party. I went to the girls.
      "Congratulation!! Congratulation!!"-A cake came popping out of the crowd.....

After a while

Wahhh, this is fun. I better go all out since it's our party, and who knows when we're gonna get a party like this again, we might flop. Bruuhhh, I shouldn't be saying this. Let's just forget about the future and party.
"Oh unnie"-Ruri waved to Yuri
"Ah hello my cute little dongsaeng"-Yuri walked toward us.
"Unnie have a drink with us"-Minjae
"Sure but don't go overboard because the party won't end here. Producer Song said we're going to the club after this"-Yuri winked.
"Woah seriously? Daebak!! >•<"-Me
"Hold on! I know it's our big day and all but, It's way past Yeona bedtime"-Hyomi point out a finger.
"You're kidding right?"-Nano
"Fine, I guess today is an exception but no drinking"-Hyomi sigh
"Neeeee!!"-Me and Nano hugged each other.

At the club
We got a private room. Apparently the club is famous for celebrities always going there.
We had some drink, everyone had fun. Xiumin is strong with alcohol, I'm not surprised. Lay passed out because, you know him as clueless as always and kept losing the game. Minho made him drink ALOT.
Xiumin went to the parking lot to get the car. Me, D.O and Lay are going with him because we have to take Lay home and since Xiumin is going, he dragged me along because he don't want me to end up like last time and D.O wanted to come too because he just can't stand a drunk Baekhyun and Chanyeol so yeah. We walked to a bench nearby and put lay on it while waiting for Xiumin.
"The parking lot is pretty far away, and Lay hyung is sweating a lot so I'll go to the convenient store nearby to buy some drink for him to sober, wet tissues and maybe a plastic bag because he might throw up and I ain't gonna deal with any of that"-D.O
"Okay but are you sure? People might recognize you"-Me
"I'll take off my blazer and put on a mask"-D.O took off his black blazer revealing his black shirt and took out a mask from his pocket. Every idol always have a mask or sunglasses with them, always.
"Can you watch him for now?"-D.O asked me to make sure before he leave.
"Yes, sure. I can manage"-After hearing me said that, he ran off.

Right now, it's just me and Lay. For some reason that I don't know of, I feel a bit awkward around him after the karaoke day. Idk why.
"Nggghhh!! Yeona?"-Lay opened his eyes, he's really drunk.
"Are you feeling fine?"-I asked him
"Yeona! I love you"-Lay smiled, his dimple became visible.
"Eh? Wha"-Me
"My head hurts, lemme sleep"-Lay all of a sudden hugged me and went to sleep resting his head on my laps.
At this point, I don't really know what to do because he's drunk, he's heavy and I'm too flustered to think. Maybe I'll just wait for D.O, that's right D.O
Ooohhh! But people might see us and there'll be a scandal. What do I do? I'll hide my face with my handbag. Oh wait, he'll attract more attention than me so I'll hide his face and look down so no one can tell even though I'm not that famous. This is really a bad idea.
After a while, a Person can from behind us.
Oh dear
"Don't wanna interrupt your weird thing you're doing right now but umm what are you doing exactly"-D.O came back with a plastic bag.
"Umm well, I'm making sure no one will recognize us because he's heavy"-I stopped what I was doing.
"And so you painted his face like a clown with your make up so you guys won't attract a lot of attention?-D.O raised a brow
"Ummm, yes"-I corrected my posture.
"....okay...."-D.O made a weird judging face.
And a few minutes later a black car came honking to us. It's Xiumin's car, yes. So we quickly carry Lay on shoulders and went in the car.
"Who's that? Where's La.......Yeo what did you do?"-Xiumin busted me.
"Trying not to attract attention while D.O went away. Aren't I smart? You're proud of me aren't you? Huh? You are right? Oppa?"-I pulled out my aegyo trying to avoid a scolding from Xiumin. And luckily he just laughed the whole ride back so I'm good.

Aurthor's note
Thank you for reading my story and sorry if there's any mistakes. I know this chapter really sucks and there's not much to it but I'm thinking of not wasting anymore time and putting the problems of the story into the next chapter so please kindly wait for the next one. Love you :)

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