Happy Ending?

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Chen POV

*ring* *ring*
"Wae?"-I picked up the phone and turned on the speaker since I'm driving right now
"Hyung! Where are you?"-Sehun
"On the road, driving"
"Are you on your way to Suho hyung's house?"
"Yeah! But I have to go pick up something special first"
"Ahhh, can you come pick me and Kai up too then? We're at the mall"
"Okay! You can get a taxi yourself. You're rich"- I hung up.

      Soon after I arrived at the KAIST University. She was standing there waiting for me, she noticed my car and came running.

      "Oppa!"-Hyorin said with a big smile spreading across her face.
      "So? How was it? U passed right?"-I asked her eagerly.
      She didn't say anything except smiling weirdly at me. Then all of a sudden she leaned in and kissed me on the lips, just a peck but still I'm shook.
       "Starting from today, Breath if you'll date me and stay with me forever"-She turned back and pretend as if nothing happened.
"W-What?"-I grin slightly.
"Today is our Day 1 Okay? Hurry, let's go. We'll be late"-Hyroin
"Aishhh this brat"-I smile unconsciously, she's too cute, this kid.
"So u passed"- me
"Of course, u promised to consider me if I'm an adult. And I'm in college now so"-Hyorin said cutely. This kid, I can't with her XD..

A/N: omg!! I can't with the Hyorin x Chen ship 😍😍 Should I write a side story of their love story? Comment down below. XD

-at the mall-

"What did he say?"-Kai
"He told us to get a taxi. So cruel... oh and he said he's picking up sth special. What do think it is?"-Sehun
"Eh? Well whatever his gift is, I don't think it's gonna win over ours"- Kai chucked.
    They chuckled looking at their fancy gift bag with bandaids, tissues and hand sanitizers  wrapped nicely.

Suho's POV
-at his house-

"Alright! All done!! Kyungsoo-yah!! When will the kids come?"-Suho shout over to D.O
"They're on their ways hyung"-D.O said busy preparing the barbecue.


A while later, everyone arrived. And we all sat down together on the huge table in Suho's huge backyard in his huge house because he's damn rich.
     We're having a barbecue party with lots of meat that Suho is paying of course. And everyone is getting their presents and Xiumin hyung And Yeona got the cake.

"Okay..lets cheers to Suho's hyung because today is his birthday"-Chanyeol got up and picked up his wine glass.

"Guys! I need to make an announcement! I'm...dating Hyomi and it's been 3 months now"-Suho stood up with his glass looking nervous and a bit sorry for only saying this now but everyone was like wew!! How surprised we totally saw that coming...

"Okay then! Cheers to Suho hyung And Hyomi Unnie"-Ruri

"Cheers to me and Yeona for becoming official *kekeke*"-Xiumin hyung

"Cheers to Starlings for getting their first Music bank award"- Kai

"Cheers to Me and Chen Oppa on our first day"-Hyorin got up suddenly and everyone was shocked.

"Ehhhh??!!!!"-Hyomi got really shocked.

"You guys are together now? For real?"-Sehun

"Yeah, why? Is there something wrong?"-Chen's face is red

"Well...nothing, just promise me to take care of my little sister or I won't forgive u even if you're our sunbae, got it?"-Hyomi seems a little sad and worried but is happy

"Yehhh!! Noona"-Chen

And everyone had a fun dinner together, laughing, joking around, drinking and bonding... everything went well for everyone. And idols started coming clean with their secret relationships with the public supports. More pairs are made Hyuna and E'dawn, Taeyang and Min Hyorin is married and other more...and we all live happily ever after

                                  THE END

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