Chapter 5

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Yeona POV
I quietly walk into the practice room because I don't want to disturb Ruri and Minjae focusing on their moves.
"Oh! Yeona, did u finished your vocal class?"-Lay noticed me and the others turned to me
"Ah, yes I came to wait for the unnies, you guys should continue your practice and ignore I'm here"-Me
"Yeona-ah are you ok? Your voice sounds.....dreadful did you eat knives for fun?"-Minjae joked, but my voice right now did sound like that.
"Umm, I think it's already time to take a break, that's it for today you guys did good"-Kai
"Thanks for the lesson"-Ruri and Minjae bowed to the guys. And then everyone came to sit around me. After that Nano and Chanyeol joined us.

"Arghh! My legs hurt"-Minjae whined and hug me.
"You should put some ointment on them, it happens every time for us, come here I'll do it for you"-Chanyeol search through his bag for the ointment bottle.
"Ooh really? That would be a big help thanks Oppa"-Minjae went to Chanyeol.
"Err Ruri, your legs are hurt too right? Want some ointment too?"-Kai took out his and went to Ruri.
"Ne, kamsamida! But it's okay I can do it myself"-Ruri
"It's okay, I'll do for you first so you can learn how to do it later"-Kai took off Ruri's shoes
"Ehhh! What's with the mood here?" I smirk.
"Are you jealous? Do you want some treatment too? I'll do it for you"-Lay chuckled.
"Haha, no thanks, my legs are not as crappy as my throat right now"-I chuckled
"Should I heal you? *soft chuckle* Hmm, wait here I'll get you something"-Lay went out for a while and came back with a cup of honey tea in his hand.
"Here is your special treatment, Honey tea. It's supposed to help heal your throat"-Lay hand me the cup of tea, and I admit it made my heart flutters
"Aiggoo! You don't have to but thanks anyway"-Playfully punch his arm with my small baby fist as he sit down next to me.
"Heyo! We're back!"-Chen
"Did you miss me?"-Baekhyun
"Why did you guys take so long? Yeona is here since hours ago"-Sehun
"Ahh! We just wrapped up everything. I let her take a break first because she sounded like she's dying"-Xiumin put his large hand on my head and lay down on the sofa behind me. (I'm sitting on the floor)
After that both our managers came to take us to the dorm.

--Next morning--
(SM building)

We have morning vocal training for 3 hours for everyone with a professional teacher. Then we went to our separate class with Exo. Today the vocal team, me Hyomi and LaLa have dance class with Lay, And Kai. Sehun is with the rap class this time.
      "Annyeonghaseyo! We're here"-I bowed as we entered the practice room with Hyomi and LaLa. But then my eyes landed on someone who shouldn't be here.
      "Oh? Why are you here?"-I glared at Xiumin
      "Yah...why are you so rude to your elders? And can't I be here to help my cute little dongsaeng?"-Xiumin showed his even smirk. I know he's gonna make my training session HELL again but Dang he's handsome.       

Xiumin POV

       Actually, I'm not supposed to be in charge of the Dance class today but another teacher will only help them improve right?
( 1 hr ago )
      "Hyung, good morning! You missed the morning meeting"-Chen
      "Oh really? What is it about?"-Me
      "Hmm, about the girls training schedule, we're still in charge of the vocal class, only the girls switch classes"-Chen
"Oh okay"-Me
"Aww, I won't be with Yeona today"-Chen pouted
"Wait what? Yeona won't be here?"-I asked
"Geez, I told you the girls switch classes everyday. She's in dance class today"-Chen
I gave him an angel smile with evil intention behind it. :)
And so here I am. I hope Chen is doing a great job covering for me. Don't worry Chen I'll spend my time here earnestly messing with Yeona. :)

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