Chapter 28

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Yeona POV

This feels so nice, walking on the street in comfortable clothes hand in hand with my boyfriend. The date I've been dreaming to have since middle school, and on top of that, the one beside me is my first love, my idol.
       "Why? Is there something on my face? Why do u keep staring at me?"-He asked
        "Oh, sorry. I stared without knowing"-I turned back embarrassed.
        "This is nice, going on walks, trying on accessories and eating ice cream..."-He said out to the sky
        "Anime merchandise on sale!"-I burst out, and ran toward the anime shop.
        "Anime merch on what???"-He followed me behind dumbfounded.
        "Ya, I never knew u like anime, ahh so many people, why don't we come back later"-He point to the other direction.
       "NO! I need to fight my way in, they have manga and anime figure on sale right now, I can't miss the deal. Oppa gimme your mask"-I took the mask from him and squeeze my way in, of course I'm weaker than the other guys but I won't lose, I'll crowd surf my way in lol.

Xiumin POV

30 minutes later....
       "Yeona!!!! Are u done?"-I shout from outside the store.
        "Not yet, sorry!"

1 hr later....
        "Yahh! You're taking too long. Let's go"- getting a bit irritated.
       "Nooo!! I'm nearly done"-

2 hr later....
        "Yeona!"-I shout
        "Yah! I'm gonna leave u here. Hurry up let's go"-I shout again
         *still no reply*
         "Aish! I'm leaving you"-I stomped away from the store, she's busy digging from the anime products and ignored me. Goshhhh!! What is she doing? We're on a date here, I never knew she like anime, but maybe I shouldn't go far, let's wait at the cafe in front of the shop.

      About 20 minutes later she exited the shop.
Looking around lost by herself. She call me on the phone.
      "Oppa! Where are you?"-She asked
      "You're done? Forget it. I'm mad, I'm at home now. We're on a date but you ignored me for those anime stuffs."
       "What? I'm sorry but it's a rare opportunity for me, and I'm almost done, why didn't you wait for me just a bit more. I'm really sorry, please come back"- She pleaded, tearing up.
      "Forget it, just go by yourself or go home, or you can continue your anime merch shopping. I'm hanging up."-I hung up, I don't wanna make her cry but she's too cute. I packed my stuff, I bought a cup of iced lemon tea for her cause she's probably thirsty, I'll surprise her and cheer her up.
        I creeped up behind her, she's crying by herself in the middle of the street, I feel so bad.
       "Annyeong kitty, why are u crying by yourself"-I put the lemon tea on top of her head. She stopped crying and turned back.
      "Ahhhh!!!!! Why are you doing this to me!!"-She shouted, attracting everyone's attention.
      "Awww, I'm sorry. I just wanted to surprise you. Mianhe, here I got you your favorite lemon tea."
      "Forget it! I don't want it! Just go home! I'll go to the arcade by myself. GO AWAY!! I HATE YOU!"-She shouted, everyone started gossiping. Aish, Yeona. She ran away
        "Yeo! Wait! I'm sorry! Wait up!"-I was about to start chasing her but a group of high school girls recognized me and swamp over me.
        "Oppa! You're EXO Xiumin right?"-Girl 1
        "Oppa, I'm your fan. Please sign for me."-Girl2
        "OPPA!! TAKE A PHOTO WITH ME"-Girl 3
       "OPPA I LOVE YOU!!"-Girl 4

       Aish!! This is gonna take a while.
       "Sorry girls I need to go I'm in a hurry. I can't take photos. I'm sorry let me through please. I'm in a hurry! I'm sorry!"-I finally got away from them. They were chasing me, I hid behind a car and they're gone.
        "Now where did that girl go?"-I started looking around for Yeona. She must have gone to the arcade. Aigoo! I'm in trouble.

I ran to the arcade as fast as my feet can take me,  and there she is. At the shooting game.

       "That jerk! You went home? Telling me to go alone! Ditching me. Wahhh! Daebak! Of course I know I'm wrong and I apologized, I was nearly done and he couldn't wait a bit more. Pulling that stunt on me, HE DIDNT EVEN CHASE AFTER MEEEE!!!! Wahh! I hate you Kim Minseok!"-She rambled with anger while shooting the people in the game.

      At that moment, I realized I'm doom. But by the claw machine, there lies the kitty plush toy that would fall down with just a few pushes. Nice! I put in all my change, my eyes burning with determination, fixed on that kitty. I got the prize.

        "I HATE YOU KIM MINSEOK!!! I HATE YOU JINJA!"-She shouted.
        "You hate me? But I'm so cute."-I went to her, using the kitty toy to cover my face.
        "Heol! You're here?"- she crossed her arms.
        "Neee, Princess! I'm sorry! Forgive me, I only wanted to tease you, cause you're so cute."- I used my aegyo, but she's not buying any of that.
         "Humph! Fine, I'll forgive you. If you beat me at that basketball game"-She pointed to the basketball game machine. Hah, is it possible? She was in a basketball team representing her school, I was a soccer player.
         "Fine! Game on!"-I did it anyway.

      Final score
Yeona- 240.       Xiumin- 186. 

        I knew it. *sigh*

      "Loser buy ice cream."-Yeona laughed. What's the use, I'm the one paying for the whole date anyway-.- but at least she'shappy now.
      "Okay, I'll buy u ice cream, but forgive me first."-
      "Eh? Forgive you about what? What did u do wrong?"-She played dumb.
      "Seriously?"-  (-.-) this girl. I love her.
     "Lol!! Oppa let's take those sticker pictures"-She dragged me in the photo booth.

     In the end, we went to get ice cream and food at myeongdong street (the most popular place for shopping and street food).

       "Which one you want?"-I asked her.
       "Ummm, chocolate"-
       "Ahjussi! One big size chocolate and one medium size coffee please"-
       "Here you go, young man. Ah, are you a celebrity? I think I saw u on tv before"-the ice cream ahjussi asked.
       "Ne, I'm a singer from the group, EXO."-I answered him politely.
       "Aigoo, I know EXO, you guys are really great"
       "You're Xiumin from Exo right? I knew it."-A girl asked
       "And Yeona from Starlings"-
      "Wahh! Daebak"
       "Oppa, what are you doing here"
       "Yeona! I'm your fan"

       "Oppa, put on your mask"-Yeona whispered as she reached for hers.
       "Aniya! We don't need the masks"- I grabbed a hold of her hand.
       "Daebak. Are you really dating?"
       "That's right! We're finally on our date we've been dreaming of having despite our crazy schedule so I would appreciate if everyone would not disturb our privacy, it's really important for us. Please excuse us."-I bowed to everyone. They were all stunned, surprised.
         We walked out but some are still following us, well it's fine. They can follow us and see how happy we are together, and maybe support us.
         After walking around eating for a while, ppl started losing interest and left us alone. We went shopping for a bit, and took one last walk at the park. We had a dreamy date, everything seems so surreal. We went for my car and I took her back to her dorm.
       "Oppa! I had a great time. It was really nice not having to hide our identity and be cautious all the time."- she looked at me.
       "Me too, I had a great time today. Thanks for being with me and choosing me"
       "Eh? That's so random."-She laughed
       "I know right?"-I laughed.
       It went back to silence again but not an awkward one. But rather romantic.
        "I love you"-I confessed, leaning in closer from the driver seat.
        "I love you too"-She made a soft smile and closed her eyes.
        The kiss was magical even though it lasted for just a few minutes.
        "Don't worry about tmr, I'll protect you no matter what"
        "Ne, Kamsamida. I'm going now"-She took off the seatbelt, and open the door but got back in closing the door.
        "Just one more"-She smiled, and leaned in to give me a peck on my lips. I don't wanna do this but jajshdkakbsjskaanhda she's sooo cute.
       I watched her run to the door, her face is redder than mine. What would I do without her.
      Now, what worries me is tmr.

    Guysss, sorry I haven't updated for a long time but I had to finish two chapters and upload it all at once cause it's connected.
    Also, as some of you might have knew about Jonghyun leaving us. I'm sorry for SHAWOLs, I'm not one of u but I felt really bad, I can't imagine how you're feeling. But please don't do anything reckless. Jonghyun has been trying hard to give us the happiness he couldn't have, you shouldn't disappoint him and throw away his efforts. I'm sure he's in a better place now. Don't blame yourself. Fighting!! Everyone.

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