Chapter 26

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  Xiumin POV

  "Oppa! I love you"-I turned to see Sayori behind me.
     "You're Nano's cousin.."-I said
     "That's right, I'm Sayori. Sorry, I just wanna cheer you up. What's wrong? Did Yeona cheat on you?"-She came to sit next to me, literally next to me almost sticking on me.
      "Yes, how do u know?"-I moved away
      "Oh... Um I heard you shout earlier but don't worry I won't tell anyone anything"
       "Oh okay, thanks"
       "Um, do u mind telling me about it"
       "Well, I guess. It's just been hard for me since I became a trainee, I was fat and no one liked me. I was put into EXO-M and the way they treat us was horrible and unfair, that's why the three Chinese members left. I honestly felt really bad but there's no one to talk to. And now that I lost weight, they started treating my differently, people started liking me because I'm thin, but some still criticize me for trying too hard that's why I don't really trust people until I met Yeona. I thought she's my everything, she's the only one I can trust, the only who cared about me. That was before o found out she has something going on with Lay behind my back. I don't know what to do anymore. I love her, and he's my trusted brother."
        "I understand you, I know what you've been through because I've been watching you since the very start. Oppa, I fell in love with you way before Yeona, I have been your biggest fan supporting you from afar. I hated the way people treated you before and now that you've turned more handsome and perfect and not to mention that hot abs of yours they started liking you, those snakes"
        ""- I tried not to be shaken even though she's a bit weird but well most fans are like this so.
       "Yes, and don't worry Oppa, I love you more than anyone else, I'll make you happy and I promise I'll never do anything u don't like. Plus, I'm way better than Yeona. You should forget about that kind of girl, she's a disgusting slut, she played with you and went to flirt with Lay. Honestly, I don't even know why she's an idol, her fans are all fooled by her appearance, her fake appearance, she probably had plastic surgery done to her eyes and nose, she's was just a fat ugly pig before. Oppa did you remember? The first time we met, it was when I "
       "Oh wow, that's impressive how you know all of that. Maybe I should thank the person who expose her and Lay and got her into troubles and also the person who called me up here to see what kind of girl she is"- I nearly snapped when I heard what she said about Yeo but easy now easy... I don't want to ruin this.
      "Oh that person? That', hehe. I'm the person you wanna thank, I realeased those scandal photos of Yeona and I convinced the netizen to hate her. Can't you see this is how much I love you. Now you should thanks me by...maybe a kiss? and let's just become boyfriend and girlfriend. I love you the most in this world, I can even die for u. Oppa, let's just get married, we're going to love each other every much and we'll get 2 kids, one boy and one girl and they'll take your family name, Kim. Kim Yoomin sounds good right?"-She got all excited and laughed by herself while I'm quite creeped out. What is she? A saesang?
      "No thanks, you're kinda creepy and also, please do not ever call my girl like that again. I am not pleased."-I stood up and moved far away from her when she tried to grab my butt and kiss me.
       "What are you saying Oppa? We love each other"-She stood up and followed me.
       "No, I don't love you. Please stop this, whatever you're doing to torture Yeona."-I backed up till my back hit the fence keeping us from falling off the building. I realized I hit my doom, she's coming closer to me with a creepy smile on her face. Her hand creeping behind her back and she pulled out a small knife from her pocket.
        "I know what is good for you. And the only way for u to be happy is to be with me"-Sayori
        "Holy—No Sayori! You should calm down and think about it again! Don't do this!"-I kept denying and talk her out but it's no use.
       "Stop it Sayori!"-Yeona came out of nowhere and pushed Sayori away from me and took her knife and throw it away. That's my superwoman XD. Phew! I love her!
        "What? B*tch, Xiumin Oppa hates you now. Just get lost you slut."-Sayori shouted.
       "Look here, Sayroi. I'm sorry I'm doing this but it's not real, we're just pretending to do this to lure out the culprit, I didn't want to believe it but...."-Yeona
        "Sayori!"-Nano and the others join us.
        "Nano? You...what are you people doing to me?"-Sayori
        "I'm sorry we tricked you. I didn't know it's actually u...Why are you doing this?!"-Nano said with a sad disappointing expression on her face.
        "Ugh, I hate you Nano! Just leave me, I've finished using you Nano! I hate you all! Especially you Yeona, I have loved Xiumin Oppa way before you then you came and snatched him away."-She cried and ran away.
I feel so bad right now, I should have turn her down and try to convince her properly.

-some weeks later-

Yeona POV

It's been 2 weeks since he last time we've seen Sayori, Nano said she had returned to her parents in Japan. There hasn't been any trouble since she's gone but I wouldn't say we're happy here either. Everyone felt bad about tricking her and Nano must have felt really horrible, she is her cousin after all. She's just a sasaeng fan of Xiumin, just someone who really loves Xiumin and didn't know how to express her love.
Aside from that, we've got our own problem to solve here. People are still thinking I'm in a relationship with Lay. And we can't tell the fans I'm actually dating Xiumin, what would they think? First Lay and now Xiumin? And would they even let me date Xiumin in peace? We've talked with LSM about what happened last week and he told us to wait.

Aurthor's note:
It's not the end yet guys, we still don't know what will happen to
Yeomin (Yeona x Minseok) and also the other couples as well so stay tune and
Please help me come up with the ship name for each couple. One for,
Xiumin x Yeona
Baekhyun x LaLa
Suho x Hyomi
Chanyeol x Min-Jae
Chen x Hyorin
Kai x Ruri

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