Chapter 2

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-choreography room 2-

Yeona POV

    I can't believe the one and only Exo of SM is teaching us!!! We're all excited, waiting nervously for them in the room.
    About 10 minutes later the door to the opened and we can hear some chatters as dazzling handsome guys walk in one by one.

Warning! From here on is just boring introductions of Exo members, so you can just skip to Starlings member introduction if you want.

    The first one is a tall guy who you can notice right away with his big smile that shows his teeth and big ears, our rapping happy virus sunbae.
    "Annyeonghaseyo! Chanyeol imida"

    The second one is a tiny guy with big scary eyes, our O.O
    "Annyeonghaseyo! D.O imida"

    The third one is a handsome guy you can see his dimple making him look so innocent, our forgetful angel.
     "Annyeonghaseyo! Lay imida"

     The fourth one is a pretty boy who totally rocks that eyeliner.
    "Annyeonghaseyo! Baekhyun imida"

    The fifth one is a tall hot guy with tan caramel skin.
     "Annyeonghaseyo! Kai imida"

     The sixth one is a short rich looking guy with his retro intelligent style.
     "Annyeonghaseyo! Suho imida"

     The seventh one is so cute yet so hot with his adorable face and hot muscle.
    "Annyeonghaseyo! Xiumin imida"

     The eighth one is a manly looking guy but so cute.
    "Annyeonghaseyo! Chen imida"

     The ninth one is a tall guy with bubble tea in his hand.
     "Annyeonghaseyo! Sehun imida"

(Sorry guys, I feel like a tv show -.-)

Starlings introduction
"Annyeonghaseyo! We are Starlings"-Starlings
(From oldest to youngest)
"Hyomi imida, I'm the leader and lead-vocal"
"MinJae imida, I'm the dancer and rapper (visual)"
"LaLa imida, I'm the vocal (visual)"
"Nano imida, I'm the Lead Rapper"
"Ruri imida, I'm the Lead dancer and vocal"
"YeonA imida, I'm the Lead vocal and dancer"
*serious mode on*
"It's nice to meet you all! Starting from tomorrow we're going to train you all the basics and tricks to the becoming the best idol group. Today is just for getting to know each other better, so let's enjoy this 1 hour together and ask any questions you want"-Suho

"Yes sunbaenim!"-STARLINGS

"Ahh! No need to be so formal, we won't be able to get closer, just call us Oppa, ok?"-Chanyeol smile


*serious mode off*

"Oppa!!" I shout and ran to jump on him and hug him like a koala on a bamboo.

"Yeonieee ah! I missed you soooo much"-Chen hug me tight

"Me too" we let go after a few seconds to breathe.
Everyone is shocked and confused with their eyes as wide as D.O


"What? Do you guys know each other?"-Baekhyun

"Know each other? We're like practically brother and sister but not biologically, we're childhood friends"-Chen smirked

"But Yeonie ah, what are you doing here? Becoming an idol? I didn't know you sing"-Chen

"Oh? Did I surprise u? How do u not know I sing, Oppa I'm the lead vocal"- I pout cutely

"Aigoo! This little cutie, don't do that"-Chen rustled my hair.

We all talked about this and that but I feel like these someone who keep staring at me, I finally gather the courage to look.

It's Xiumin? As soon as He saw me looking back he turned away and walked somewhere else.

-An hour have passed-

"Ok guys it's time we gotta go, meet us back here tomorrow at 7 am"-Suho

"Bye!"-Chen Baekhyun and Chanyeol said in unison. And we replied back.

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