Chapter 7

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Yeona POV
     In this kind of situation, they usually kiss right? But isn't kissing too fast? Urgh! I don't know what to do. But thankfully he ignored it and help me back on my feet.
     And then there's that awkward moment, it last for 10 seconds.
    "Umm, why don't we stop for today? It's getting pretty late, I'll send you home so pack your things and I'll be outside waiting. Okay?"-Lay
     "Yes Oppa"-Me
     I packed my things quickly and change into a black croptop, white jeans and dark blue converse and go grab my bag. I tied my hair into a ponytail and had my decorative glasses on just in case someone saw us together. I stink because of the sweat but it's getting really late now so I'll just shower at the dorm. I walked out and saw that Lay also have his sunglasses and hoodie on.

      The situation is still an awkward silent.
    "Yeona, wanna grab some ice cream? My treat"-Lay point to the convenient store ahead of us.
    "Ice cream? Of course I'm in"-My face brighten up
    We went in and search through the freezer.
     "Hmm, which one should i eat today? They have Lime too? Cool"-I talked to myself. Lay noticed me and chuckled.
      I chose a Lime popsicle, and Lay chose a Banana chocolate popsicle. Lay paid and we continued our way to the dorm while eating the ice cream.
      Gosh! It taste like paradise after a long tiring day.
     "You like ice cream too?"-Lay asked
     "Eyeup! Ice cream is one of my most favorite thing on earth"-Me
     "I also love ice cream, it's my second favorite thing on earth"-Lay
     "What your first then?"-I asked, giving him the curious look.
    "Hmm? It's you of course"-Lay leaned down and his face got closer to mine and smirk.
    Eh? Me?
    "Hahhaha, just kidding"-Lay laughed.
    "Geez, you got me"-I laughed and throw him a soft punch.
    After a while we arrived at the dorm. I see him off and went in the gate and look up to see the girls looking down the gigantic glass window and they have that smirk on me. I think I know what's gonna happen.
    "Yeona! I am totally shipping you with Lay"-Minjae shout and jump around.
    "Yeona you sneaky girl. What are you doing with Lay behind our back?"- LaLa joked.
   "He's Lay alright. He's tall, good looking, kind, a gentleman, a talented genius. Good catch my girl"-Hyomi gave me a thumb up.
    "What about Xiumin? I thought were shipping him with Yeona"-Nano doesn't look so pleased like the others.
     "Yeah, what about Xiumin? They also look good together"-Minjae.
     "Aish! What ship? What nonsense is that? He's just sending me back home because it's really late at night. And Xiumin, don't even mention him, that guy won't be happy until he see me suffer"-I climbed up the stairs to my room at the second floor.
       I took a shower change into my pajamas and go to sleep.

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