Chapter 15

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Yeona POV

      Who are these guys? What are they planning?

     They divided and sat down between us literally touching us. I'm scared, the others are the same but why does Hyomi look a bit relaxed??
     "Who are you people? What are you doing? Get out!!"-LaLa shouted, hitting the guy whose had his arms around her off.
     "Come on gurl, don't be like that, play with us. You girls are pretty, are you SM trainees? Huh?"-He forced a hug on her and tried to touch her in many ways.
     "AHHHH!!!!!SOMEBODY HELPP!!!!"-LaLa slapped him, pushed him off the chair and kicked him.
"Yah!!! How dare you hit your own boyfriend?!"-the guy shouted.
"Omo! Baekie?"-LaLa pulled off the mask from his face and indeed there's no need to be scared, they're just our world class stars, one of the kings of Kpop EXO, and we've just physically ambushed them.
      The others also took off their masks and were laughing with tears coming out of their eyes.

     "Mianhae, Jinja Mianhae Jagiya! You can hit be back, forgive me okay?!"-LaLa begged desperately.
     "I won't forgive you! Only if you let me punish you"-Baek
     "Okay! You can punish me but just forgive me k?"-LaLa
     "Call! Your punishment will be, letting me do whatever I want with you and to obey my every order for tonight."- Baek demanded looking so full of himself.
     "Whatever you want with me? Tonight?"-LaLa blushed.
     "EEEYYYYYYY, hyung whatever do you mean"-Kai got flustered
     "You pervert!"-D.O
     "Awww, I want that too"-Xiumin gave me puppy eyes, except he looks more like a kitty, but bad thing I have a soft spot for cats more than dogs.
     "Relax, I mean cooking me dinner and doing my laundry and.... something like that"-Baekhyun tried to defend himself from getting a smack from D.O
     "Let's order some drinks now shall we?"-Suho suggested
"Beer?"-Chanyeol said and everyone agreed. This is exciting, I've never had a drinking party with lots of people before, let's just say I'm not allowed to drink a lot, yet. Now, I'm going to drink with all my mi-
"Nooo! No alcohol for Yeona and Sehun"-Xiumin interrupted.
"Aww, Wae??!"-I whined.
"Hyung! We're 21"-Sehun
"21 is still a kid, so you guys drink juice, or do you want milk instead?"-He raised him eyebrow.
"Apple juice please, no milk"-I quickly agreed with him.
Hyomi unnie ordered drinks and snacks, we played around with the mic a bit and the drinks came. We were singing songs, baekhyun and Chanyeol were singing a duet from the 80s and we're doing funny dance. We were having a great time but then the company called Xiumin Oppa, they want him at the company right now for work.
"I'm sorry Yeona baby, I have to go back first and I don't think I'll be back anytime soon, so don't stay too long and go back home safely okay? Bye, I love you"-He gave me a peck on my forehead and rushed off.
To be honest, I'm a bit upset, I chugged down the juice in front of me, the juice taste weird but I don't really care and went to sing a song with Sehun.
About 20 minutes later, I'm starting to feel weird, so I excused myself to the bathroom. While trying to get to the bathroom, I head started to spin, the hallway looks like it's moving and spinning, I couldn't stand up straight and is starting to lose balance. Luckily a pair of strong arms caught me just in time. I stood up and the person pinned me to the wall. It's Lay, I couldn't really see his face clearly I knew it's Lay and he looks kinda red and sweaty.


After having a few drinks I can feel myself getting hotter, I went to the bathroom to freshen up myself but on the way, I saw Yeona. She look wobbly and wasn't walking straight, she lost her balance so I ran to support her just in time. I helped her up and pinned her to the wall.
"Oppa, you look hot"-She laughed and cupped my face. Her face is really red and she was planting and sweating, I know she's not in her right mind right now but so am I. I might not be able to control myself.
"You're sweating a lot, you look hot"-Her hands went from my face to tracing down my chest.
"So are you..."-I lifted her chin, leaning in closer. Her upper lip looks like a heart, so cute and sexy at the same time. Our faces were only inches apart. But then I got distracted by flashes of light. I turned to see a guy with a canon in his hands. Crap! He must have took photos.... gotta....stop...him.... I tried running to catch him but I felt my body crashing down the floor and my visions turned blank.

"OMO! OMO! LAY! YEO! YOU OKAY? GUYS HELP"- I heard a girl shouting and it sound chaotic but my brain also turned blank.

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