Chapter 11

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Yeona POV

I was walking with Sehun, the further we walk the darker it gets.
"This is so creepy! I'm scared"-I cling to Sehun's hand
"It's okay! I'm here for you"-Sehun

*slip* Ehh?!!
"KYAHHHHH!!!! AHHHH!!"-I slipped and slid down the cliff.
"YEONA!!!"-Sehun shouted.
       "Sehun! Help me!"-I shouted back. My leg hurts, I think I sprained it. What do I do I can't get up. I started crying.

A few minutes later
      "YEONA!!"-A voice came, its of a man and its familiar.
     "Sehun! Where's Yeona?"-He asked
     "Down there hyung! Please help her"-Sehun stuttered, you can hear his voice tremble.
     In that instant, a figure slide down and came close to me.
      "U-Umin Oppa!"-I cried even more as soon as I saw him. He has a worried face and come hug me tightly.
       "It's okay, I'm here. Don't cry, I'm here"-Xiumin put his chin on my head.
       "Are you hurt anywhere? Let me see"-Xiumin check my body.
       "My left foot, I think I sprained it"-I showed him my foot.
       "Awww!!Does it hurts?"-Xiumin checked my foot.
       "It's okay, I can stand the pain"-Me
       "I'll treat you when we get back to the villa okay? I told Sehun to go back and get the others"- Xiumin continued to hug me. What's this warm feelings I got from him? My heart is pounding like crazy but at the same time I feel loved and needed while resting my head on his chest.
        "Oppa why are you being so nice to me?"-I asked
        "What do you mean? Have I ever not been nice to you?"-Xiumin
       "Umm Yeah, if I recall it. You have always been bullying me"-Me
      "Hmm? A guy only bully the girl he likes you know"-Xiumin mumbled, he blushes.
      "Huh? What are you saying?"-I look up to his face
      "Geez, you are so mean Yeona. Do I have to make it clearer for you to understand? I-LIKE-YOU-YEONA"-Xiumin blushed.
       "EHH???!! You're kidding"-I gasped.
       "I'm not! Well, what is your answer?"-Xiumin
       "Of Course I like you, I used to be your fan but who knows you're gonna bully me since the day we met"-I said shyly.
       "Then what if I ask you to be my girlfriend? Is it a Yes too?"-He look at me. I nodded, I can feel my face getting hotter.
       "Oh and the first time we met isn't when you were put under our guidance. It was soooo long ago you probably forgot."-Xiumin
"Ehh? When?"-Me
"It was when we were little kids, at the park. At that time I was about 10 years old and you're 5. I got bullied a lot by the neighborhood kids, I was always left alone and pretend to have fun for my parents to be happy. That day, I was sitting in the sandbox alone after a mean kid just stole my favorite teddy bear. I tried so hard not to cry. Then you came and said:
'Oppa! I saw that mean Oppa over there taking the teddy bear you always have with you but you didn't cry. You are really strong Oppa, I love you so you can have Mr.Bubble instead'
'Really? Thanks! Let's play with Mr.Bubble together okay?'

         Xiumin told the tales of how we met.
"Seriously? That Oppa who had Mr.Bubble is You??!"-Me
"Yeah! How could you not remember me? You even promised to marry me"-Xiumin pinched my nose.
     "Do you still have him?"-I asked
     "Of course! I kept him like my treasure"-Xiumin said proudly.
After a while, helps came and we went back to the villa and treated my foot. Then we all went back to our rooms, but the girls gathered in my room to have a late night girl's time.
"Sooo, Girls! Time to share our stories. Who wanna go first?"-Minjae

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