Chapter 20

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Nano POV

"Your cousin.....Does she....likes me? A crush?"-Chanyeol asked, raising his brows.
"What?! What made you think that?"-I furrowed my brows.
"Well, just now. She was fidgeting and blushing when I said hi."-Chanyeol said.
"......I guess that did happen but....I don't think-" I was cut off
"Ikr? Maybe she's a fan who stan me, I'm pretty popular after all, but I can't accept her feelings cause Minjae is my one and only, though I'm grateful she likes us. I'm going to tell her."-Chanyeol started walking away.
"Wait what?! Chanyeol wait-"
"Nano! You're late! Come here"-LaLa appeared and dragged my in the practice room.
"Yah! Oppa don't say anything, okay?"-I yelled back at him but it might have been too late.

Chanyeol POV

If I'm not wrong, then Nano cousin, Sayori might be having a crush on me. Though, obviously I won't accept her feelings because I have my wonderful girlfriend, Minjae. But what if she doesn't have the courage to confess and then when she finally found out I'm with Minjae she might be heart broken so I should stop her quick, and tell her I can't do it before she become even more obsess over me so it won't hurt as much. I'll tell her next time I run into her.

Xiumin POV

          Yeona and I haven't been meeting much, I was busy with our comeback and now she's busy with her debut. And about the Scandal thing, I want to talk to her so she won't feel bad. TBH, I'm quite upset but I know it's just a misunderstanding and I love both of them, so I don't want to think about it too much.
          I wanna meet out and drink with just Exo and Starlings so I'll make Suho plan a date. Well eventhough I'm the eldest, I'm not good with the leading thing but I can tell Suho what I want and he do it LoL.

         I walked in our break room.
      "Hyung! We're thinking of sneaking in and crash the girls'place tonight"-Chanyeol raised his hand.
      "We're lighting up their world, saving them from their hectic schedule, Haha"-Chen added
      "Oh? Call! I'm in"-I agreed, good timing eh?
      "It's a surprise. A surprise"-Kai
       A sleepover, at a girl group dorm. That's dangerous, if the managers find out we're so dead. But I wanna see Yeo so, it's fine even if I got in trouble.

----Starlings' Dorm----

*ding dong*
"Hello- Oh?"-Ruri opened the door
"Taadaa!!! We've brought food and drinks"-Kai and Chanyeol lift up the bags of food and drinks we bought. She let us in.
"Girls!!! We have guests!!"-Ruri shout upstairs, she showed us to the living room and went back to the kitchen.
"What are you cooking?"-Kai hugged her from behind.
"Cream Pasta"-Ruri
"Want some help?"-He let go and went to the fridge.
"Sure, can you bring me the ingredients?"-Ruri

Meanwhile at the living room, the girls came down and we're just chillin.
"What did you buy?"-Minjae look through the plastic bags.
"Drinks and some snacks. Oh and we're sleeping here, we brought clothes"-Chanyeol
"What??? You're kidding right? What if the managers find out?"-Minjae.
"Don't worry! Our manager is drunk, sleeping at home right now"-Sehun laughed.
"Does your manager come and check at night?"-Chen asked
"Sometimes, when she feels like we're up to something"-LaLa
"But I don't think she'll come today, trust my instinct"-Ruri

So Ruri finished cooking cream pasta for us, we ordered some more pizza and chicken.

"Cheers!!!"-We clinked our glasses.
"Cheers to what?"-Minjae
"Cheers to Baekhyun not making our manager mad today"-Chanyeol joked.
"Cheers to Chanyeol getting confessed to"-Baekhyun laughed.
"What? Confessed to?"-Minjae flamed up.
"Noo!!! That's not it! I only have Minjae, I'm serious *sweat drop*"-Chanyeol tried to defend himself.
"Hahaha! Cheers to Chen-hyung and hyorin"-Sehun
"What the hell! Sehun don't say useless stuff"-Chen whined with his high pitched voice as usual.
"Cheers to Sehun's big nose finally getting exposed"-Baekhyun (I'm sorry guys! I got that from the time when they went on the knowing bros and I just have to, can't help it. Mianhe XD)
And sooo the night continue as we're getting more and more drunk, and us friends opening up and becoming closer and closer as secrets are starting to get exposed little by little.
I'm the heaviest drinker here so I get to see everyone becoming drunk and there habits coming out.
Suho start telling his dad jokes nonstop and keep repeating himself then he'll cry and pass out in the middle.
Kyungsoo keeps removing his screen protector and redoing it over and over. (According to the rumors)
Chen rarely drink.
Baekhyun gets louder.
Chanyeol keeps biting and hugging people, his favorite hug pillow is Baekhyun.
Kai would start dancing for no reason.
Lay would sometimes join Kai if he's not passing out somewhere mumbling on and on about Baekhyun's grandmother.
Sehun talk a lot more than usual and more sassy, and flirty.

Yeona POV

Right now, everyone is dancing like crazy to the loud music and having pillow fight, except Suho who passed out.
Everyone is drunk so we're all not in our right mind.
Lay and Kai is dancing really sexy, and I guess kinda dirty. Me and Ruri joined them.
I went to Lay and dance seductively, he came and went with the flow, he held me by my hip and you know stuff like that, you can just imagine, were dancing to troublemaker.
Then the music changed and we went berserk again.
"Yeo-ah!!! Phone!!"-Hyomi shout holding up my phone. Someone's calling, I'm too drunk to look so I just pick up.
"Hello?"-I went out to the balcony cause the music is too loud.
"Eh? M-Manager?!!! Holy- I'm sorry!!"-I hung up and went back shouting for the break out of crisis.
"What the-- Hurry!! Clean up! And hide!!"-LaLa shouted.
Everyone grabbed the snacks and the bottles on the table and floor and ran around trying to find a hiding place.
Some went in the bathroom, bedroom and the storage.
"Oppa! The balcony! And take Suho-Oppa with you"- I pushed them to the balcony and they drag Suho with them, literally wiping our floor.
I ran downstairs to the door, fixed myself up and opened the door.
"Hehe! Annyeonghasayo! What bring you here?"-Me
"What's with the loud music and have you been drinking?"-she walked and climb led up the stairs. I ran behind her.
"Ahh!! We were watching TV and our volume is at the highest soooo...but we didn't know we were making this much noise. We'll turn it down"-I explained.
"Hmm? And where's the others? They won't pick up my call"-She looks around the house.
"Ehh? They went to...sleep"-I tried to kick the trashes that are still lying around into the corner so she won't notice.
"Is that so?? You were watching TV alone?"-She keeps checking.
"Eh? Ahhh that..."-Huh? NOO!! She's opening the door to my room! They are hiding there!!
"Manager! Hello"-Hyomi came out just in time. Phew! My heart almost stop.
"Hyomi, I thought you were sleeping"-Manager
"Ahh? Yeah, I was. I woke up when I heard you. Haha"-Hyomi
"Is that so? Sorry I woke you up, you guys look really tired. So go and rest for tmr. I need to see Minjae for a bit"-She walked to Minjae's room.
"NOO!!"-We shout in unison, and she stopped.
"Why would you want to see Minjae?"-Me
"Why can't I?"-She gave us a suspicious glare.
"She...went out! To buy sth"-Hyomi added
"This late? Then, Ruri"-Manager
"They went together! So don't worry."-Hyomi cut her off.
"Hmm? You know what? You two are acting really suspiciously."-Manager.
Something dropped! The bathroom...
My eyes widen and so are Hyomi's. Our heart start beating faster as we watch the manager walk toward the bathroom.
At that moment, someone turned on the shower. Idk who but I want to hug him so bad. Our savior...
"Who's in there?"-She turned to us.
"Ahh!! It must be LaLa taking a shower, since she just finished working out"-I answered.
"Hmm...Very suspicious. I don't want to dot on you too much so I won't force you to tell me but don't cause any trouble, arraseo? You're idols now, think of your image and your health condition."-Manager scolded us.
"Neeeee!!!"-We answered looking down to the floor.
"I'm going then, goodnight"-She sighed.

Aurthor's note:
Sorry for not updating for a long time. Mianhe! I've been busy with school and exams.

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