Chapter 24

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Xiumin POV

        We paid for the souvenir and left the shop.

      "What should we do next? What do you wanna ride?"-Sehun scan through the map.
      "What can we ride?"-Lay peeked at the map.
      "Hmm...Merry go round? It's a must when coming here"-Nano suggested.
      "I like that idea, leggo"-Yeona

-In front of the merry go round-

      "Let's take a picture to commemorate today"-Yeona took out her phone to take a selfie.
"Okay! 1..2...3...say Starlings"-She took about 10 pictures.
"Okay, I want the pretty white horse"-She ran to the horse. The others went to the one they wanted. I'm riding on a white horse behind her. The kids were so loud the whole ride, I wonder if anyone noticed us yet.
After the ride that lasted about 5 minutes, we got off.
"That was fun! For the first 3 minutes"-Nano
"Let's go to ride the cups next"-Lay pointed on the map.
Great, when will I get a chance to make up with Yeo and properly apologize....
"And then..wanna try the haunted house?"-Sehun asked
"At night?"-Nano
"I'm allergic to ghost"-Yeona
"I'm okay with that. Let's go!"-I raised my hand. This is perfect, we can go in and maybe we'll get a chance to be alone.
After the cup, we head straight to the haunted house. It looks quite terrifying, a castle, a haunted castle. Maybe this is too much for Yeona, she's going to have nightmares for a week.
"Should we slip into two groups?"-Lay
"Yeah, sure"-Nano
"Hmm.. then let's go"-I took Yeona'a hand and locked our fingers, she looks a bit taken aback but didn't refuse.
"We'll go in first, you guys can go in later"-I said to the others.
I lead her in the haunted castle through the black curtain and she quietly follow me. It's almost pitch black inside, we have our little flashlights and the dim green and red lights inside, the place gives you chills. I took a few steps inside with Yeo behind me, and the first thing we see is the grim reaper mannequin. I felt my hand being squeezed so I look back and Yeo doesn't look so good.
"I'm sorry for not noticing, you're scared, aren't you? Come here princess, just hold on tight to me and I promise it'll be over in a few minutes"-I pulled her into my embrace and hug her tight in my chest.
"Ne...Oppa"-she mumbled softly.
"Let's walk faster"-I have my arm around her shoulder, she hug my waist and we start walking faster.

Yeona POV

WHY DID I AGREE ON COMING TO THIS HORROR CASTLE!!!! Gyaahhhhh!!! What is that? A lady? Why is she in creepy white dress and hair? Crap! She's turning! I don't wanna know what she is!!!
"It's okay Yeo! I'm here for you!"-Xiumin hug me tight. I feel safer in his arms, those strong reliable arms. We kept walking without stalling too long until we reach a bright light through the door.
"Phew! Wahhh that was scary~"-I walk to a bench and sat down, my legs are all jelly jelly now.
"Sorry...I know you're not good with these stuffs and I still didn't stop you"-Xiumin sat down next to me.
"It's okay Oppa...I should be responsible for myself"-I replied.
It turned into an awkward silence for a few minutes.
"Umm"-We both said at the same time
"You go first"-I said
"Oh, okay. Soooo...I'm sorry for being such a coward. I'm so foolish and selfish, I let my emotions get to me and shut myself up alone in my room. I should have thought of your feelings too, I promised I would always be by your side and protect you no matter what happen but I broke my promise. I'm sorry baby please forgive me."-I got up from the bench and squat down with one knee on the ground and hold both of my hands. He look at me with an apologetic expression, I can see in his eyes, he means it and he loves me a lot. finally came to his senses. Finally, we can fix our relationship and make it right again.
"This is so unfair, how can I still be mad at you if you look at me with those eyes, you cute kitty."-I squish his chubby cheeks. Well I know he hates it when people touch his face but I'm sure he won't bite me and it FEELS SOO GOOD!!!
"I love you!"-He smiled and pull me into a hug and lift me up.
"I love you more"-I giggled.
"Whooooo!!!! Way to go!!!"-Sehun and Nano cheered for us from afar, they've been watching us huh?
"How could you spy on us like that?"-I pouted.
          "Haha, mianhe Yeo. I'll buy you ice cream, okay?"-Nano pat my head.
          "Ice cream? Can I get cotton candy too?"-I put on the puppy eyes for Nano.
          "Sure thing! Nano will buy for us all"-Sehun
          "Yahh!"-Nano smack Sehun.
          "Kekeke, leggo"-I lead them to the food stands.
Xiumin POV

        The kids wanted ice cream so they went to the food stand to buy it. Me and Lay is waiting for them on a bench.
        "Hyung, you did well. Yeona's high spirit is back"-Lay said looking at the ground.
        "You bet. Lay, I won't give Yeona to you no matter what. So if you want her, come at me anytime but I'll still win"-I look at him and smile.
        " better be prepared then cause I too won't be backing down"-He chuckled.

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