Chapter 16

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Yeona POV


     I woke up to my alarm sound, I shut it down and went back to bed, only if I could go back to sleep. My head hurts so bad, I feel like it's throbbing and is going to explode any moment now. I must have drunk alcohol yesterday. I tried to recall the memories from yesterday....ahhhh....I caused trouble and....Lay Oppa, OMO!
     I quickly took a shower, put on my pastel blue hoodie with ripped jeans, and put my hair in ponytail. I went down stair, to see a note and food prepared on the dining table.

       'Good morning my cutie baby, I prepared breakfast, you can eat it and sober up. You were really drunk last night. We didn't want to wake you up so we left first. Sorry XD~ Ruri'

       I look at the time, it's already 9:26. I quickly finished breakfast, and run to the company. After 10 exhausting minutes, I arrived at the practice room. Seems like everyone is there.
       "Annyeonghasayo!!!"-I burst in.
       "Yeonnie, does your head hurts?"-Xiumin came up to hug me.
       "I'm fine, but Lay Oppa  collapsed right?"-I scan the room for Lay.
       "I'm fine, the girls brought me soup, so I'm all good now"-Lay smiled.
       "Oh, but what are you doing here? Aren't you guys busy after the comeback?"-Minjae asked.
        "We are, we're going to an interview in the next 2 hours so we have some time left"-Chanyeol.
        "Ah, I'm going to the gym since Yeo is fine"-Xiumin stood up and grabbed his bag to change.
       "I'll go too"-Lay, Baekhyun and D.O tagged along. The rest went to do their own stuffs. But we Starlings is going to debut...again... soon, so we're kinda running around the place the whole time.

>>>fast forward>>>>

It's already the day we're going to debut again, hwahhhh after another long harsh training periods it's finally D-Day
Right now we're having our makeup done for musicbank. We're performing the title track,

'Once upon a wish well' (Sorry, I sucks with names)

       There are some of our fans, though we haven't debut properly yet, I guess they liked our dance practice and singing videos, and since Exo did mention and gave out hints about us.
        As soon as we stepped out on stage, there are cheerings though not that loud but we'll work hard and get more fans and people will know of us.
       "Make a wish! Annyeonghasayo Starlings imida!!"-We bowed
        "Annyeonghasayo, I'm the leader, Hyomi, This is our redebut stage since we messed up last time, but please look over our mistakes and please give us lots of love"-Hyomi bowed again and we followed.

         At last we finished shooting, since we're rookies, we have to shoot it again and again, we must have danced at least 7 times to get a perfect shot.
After that we had interviews, and some others idol stuffs. But there's a finally successfully debut party in the evening with the staffs and sunbaenim.

---In the evening---

Me and the girls are busy dolling up for the party. We're going to a high class party at a 5 stars hotel restaurant.
"Okay! I'm all set"-I said by myself in the room. I put on my pastel blue mini dress with a big bow on the back of my waist, the back of the dress is kinda wide, it exposed a half of my back. I added jewelry with the outfit, and for shoes I had a white glittery heels on. For makeup, it's just a light touch up, for hair, I curled the end of my black hair that falls to my butt.
I looked at myself in the mirror one more time and I look decent, so I went out to check on the unnies.
"Wahhh!!! Our little baby is all grown up, you look just like how you look everyday."-Minjae said, I gave her a -.- look, and they laughed. That feel of being the maknae.
"We're kidding! You're cute"-Ruri laughed.

*ding dong*
The guys must be what's supposed to happen like in the dramas, anime and manga.
It's our manager XD the guys can't come, the fans will be suspicious.
We went in the van, and soon arrive, and there's a lot of fans and cameras, the news must have slipped out. But the party is in a private hall so it should be safe right? Right...
Xiumin was waiting for me in front of the door, I ran to him but it's more of that awkward run walk since I'm wearing heels.
"Oppa!"-I called out to him, smiling brightly. I hope he compliment me or sth. XD
He stared at me smiling looking like he's falling for me at first then it slowly turns to him easing an eyebrow looking like he wanted to say sth.
"What?"-I asked with the same expression as him.
He then suddenly grab my shoulders and turn me around so my back is facing him. Then he gave me a headlock from behind.
"What's with the exploding back? Huh? Isn't this too much? Kiddo? Huh? Huh?"-He whispered.
"Ahh! Oppa let go!!"-I hit his arm. The girls are standing there giggling at us. He let go
"Ah mianhe! But don't ever wear sth this exposing again okay, but it's fine if you're with me, no what am I saying? You look so cute and that sexy back...Ahhhh but I guess it's can't be help, you're an idol, I should get used to this, ahh never mind let's go you girls are the stars of today"-Xiumin lead us in to find the president, Lee Soo Man.
"Annyeonghasayo! Teacher"-We bowed.
"Annyeonghasayo! Starlings! Our Stars are here. You guys are our new hope, so do well okay? Even if you failed once, its fine. But I do hope you learned from it and don't do it again. I wish you girls good luck, success. Now lets just enjoy the party, it's yours after all."- LSM
"YEHHH!!!"-We bowed him goodbye.
The girls went to find their own partner so we separated.
I'm going to find Xiumin. Now where did he say he'll be again?
Someone grabbed my right arm. Xiumin!!!! I turned around with a smile.

Aurthor's note
Thanks for waiting and reading. Really appreciated it. :)

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