7. His Revenge

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7. His Revenge

Revenge proves its own executioner. -John Ford


The next morning I walked into the school just to find the hallways empty. Usually, I'd have Ace with me and we'd be together before classes but I haven't seen him since yesterday.

I still don't know what yesterday was all about. Ace was never upset. Never. Whatever happened to him, I hope he was better now.

Plus, out of all things to get upset about, why a stupid bracelet?

I just know that it has been very weird ever since I started at this school....

And I think it had something to do with Zane and Hayden.

I still can't believe they're cousins. How did I miss that?

I shook my head and took out my phone. It was 7:40 and students should start piling in any moment.

I started to play angry birds on my phone when I heard my name being called.

I looked up to see Ali running down the hallway.

I furrowed my eyebrows. "Ali, why are you here so early, and why are you running?"

"I need you to come with me." He told me breathlessly. I narrowed my eyes.


He didn't respond. He just grabbed my hand and stared dragging me down the hallway. I was trying to protest but Ali continued to drag me. "Ali, stop! Let go of me!"

I dug my feet into the ground and came to a stop causing Ali to be jerked back. Next thing you know, we were playing tug-of-war with my arm. "Arden, it's an emergency."

"Let go!" I screamed while batting at his arm.

Ali tugged me towards his body and lifted me up. I was still struggling and protesting but he wouldn't put me down.

I can't believe it! I was being man handled, possibly kidnapped and no one was here to see.

"Ali, I swear when I get my hands on you, I'm gonna rip out your spine and beat you with it." Suddenly I was dropped to the floor and I landed on my back.

"Ugh, Ali, what the hell?" I groaned as I sat up slowly.

I then realized I was in the library with also standing next to Zane. Nikki and Armani stood there with amused faces. They were all looking at me.

"Okay, what?" I asked standing up.

Why would they bring me into the library? "Arden." I heard a voice behind me and turned around.


"Ace!" I ran up to him and gave him a hug. He wrapped his arms around me as a response. When I pulled back, he looked at me cautiously.

"Listen, they told me what happened yesterday and by the time I snapped out of it, you weren't around. I swear Arden, I have no idea what happened and why I lashed out like that but-"

"Ace." I interrupted him. "It's fine. I don't know what exactly that was about but I know that wasn't you."

"But, we might know who." Armani piped in. I turned around and they motioned us to a table.

Soon, the six of us were in a meeting or something. However, I had a feeling that something really bad was about to happen.

"Arden, Ace, you guys know Hayden." Nikki said. Ace and I nodded our heads cautiously.

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