20. Meeting the Parents

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20. Meeting the Parents

The apple never falls far from the tree...


Our parents!?

Our Parents!?

You cannot bring the gods and goddesses together. You know what will happen, freaking chaos!

"You can't bring our parents in." Zane said quickly.

Mr.Liam put his hand up. "Already done. Maybe they can talk some sense into you guys. Wait here, and wait for them, they should be here any moment." He grabbed the sides of his face and exited the room mumbling about his medication.

Once, he was out of the room, Malia spoke. "This is not good." She mumbled.

"No shit!" Nikki yelled getting up. "You know if Hayden wasn't such a jackass, this wouldn't be happening. I swear Hayden, once I get my hands on you i'm gonna-"

"You're gonna what? No offense sweetheart, but compared to Hayden you're nothing." Nate piped in.

Nikki bit her lip and wore an impassive expression. Her attraction towards him. She spoke lowly. "I could take any of you if I wanted."

"Well, sweetheart, if what you want is to get rough and dirty then we can schedule that for another time." Nate winked at Nikki.

"Say anything like that again and I will rip your insides out of your damn body." Ali growled as he stood up. Nikki turned to him.

"And I certainly do not need you to stand up for me." She glared at him.

"I don't think you understand. I don't care what the hell you want." Ali stepped closer to her. "You don't seem to get i'm willing to put everything on the line for you."

Nikki and Ali were now having a stare off.

"How sweet." Hayden said dramatically. "He loves her, big whoop, while you guys make up, i'll be in the corner throwing up-"

"Okay, everyone, relax. We don't have time for this, or the fact that people made out in the hallway and didn't tell me." Zane turned to me with an irritated look.

I just pursed my lips and looked down.

"What I think we all need to do is calm down." Andrew started. "We already have enough drama, so woe beyond to us when my mother-"

"Talking about me again?" A feminine voice said through the door.

We all froze and watched as a young woman walked through the door. She had perfect black hair and her eyes sparkled with blue. She just looked....perfect. She was chewing dramatically on a piece of gum.

I tore my gaze away from the woman and it looked like every single guy in the room were about to have an 'Accident' in their pants. All except Andrew. He just smiled at her, of course he did.

That's his mother. Aphrodite.

The goddess of love and beauty. She just smiled at all of us. "Wow, Eros. What an interesting group of friends you have. Reminds me of my friends in High school."

She obviously knew we were Disparates. "Actually, everyone here is a disparate." Andrew told her. "But, you already know them." he gestured to Malia, Hayden, Nate, and Penny.

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