15. Only Two Days...

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15. Only Two days...

Your eyes are blue like the ocean, and I'm lost at sea.  -Unknown


Ace opened the door to his house and we entered. "Oh god, what a night." We just dropped Armani off and we insisted that we stay with her through the night. She told us that she's practically nocturnal and she wouldn't be sleeping anyway.

Ace sighed as we walked into the living room. I threw my bag onto the floor and plopped down next to him on the couch. "You staying over?" He asked me.

"Why not?" Soon, Ace's dad came into the living room.

"Hey, Pops." I waved at him. This is how it worked. Athena and Apollo are good friends. So are me and Ace. Therefore, Apollo was like a father to me. Athena is like a mother to Ace.

Despite disparates having gods, goddesses, or etc. as parents, we don't remember who our other parent is.

The gods and goddesses did in fact come down to earth and got 'busy' with mortals. That part of mythology is true.

The outcome, disparates, were to stay with our immortal parents. Once the gods and goddesses had children, they were responsible for raising us and helping us maintain our powers.

"Hey, Arden." Pops smiled at me. He had blonde hair, like Ace. His eyes were a bright blue and I have to admit, he was lucky in the looks department. "How was the game, you guys?"

Ace and I looked at each other. I knew Ace couldn't tell a lie so I answered. "Fine. Everything went great." I faked a smile at him.

Apollo looked at me like he didn't believe me but he didn't push it. "How's your mom doing?" He asked with raised eyebrows. I let out a laugh and so did Ace.

Did I mention that whenever my mom and Pops were together, they always flirted. At first, Ace and I were pretty disturbed but after time we thought it was pretty cute.

Seriously one time, I swear they were about to kiss.

"Don't say it like that, Dad." Ace laughed.

"Right, right. Well, tell her to give me a call, kiddo." Pops winked in my direction before leaving the room.

My mind went back to the events of tonight.

I was really worried. "I hope they find Nikki." I sighed.

"Me too. Hayden's gone too far with this shit."

"Yes, he has." I agreed. "Armani seemed a little shaken up." I looked over to Ace.

He sighed. "I just hope she's okay. Seeing her hurt was hard to watch"

"You really care about her." I stated. Ace nodded his head. "I saw you kiss her tonight too. I didn't think I've ever seen her blush so hard." I nudged him with a smile.

Ace let out a chuckle. "If only she wasn't attracted to Hayden." He sighed.

"Ace, she's being compelled. Whatever she feels for him, isn't real. What she has for you, I knew that's real." I told him.

"You mean, just like what you feel for Andrew?" Ace asked with raised eyebrows.

Andrew was gorgeous. Seriously, how could I not be attracted to him?

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