20. Meeting the Parents Part 2

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20. Meeting the Parents Part 2

Mother knows best...  -Tangled (Sorry, I had to.)


There was a loud sound of thunder that made most people flinch. Suddenly, a huge cloud appeared inside the room.


When the cloud started to fade, four figures appeared and they were all coughing, fanning the fog away.

One had dirty blonde hair and her eyes were green. She looked like Nate; it was obviously his mother.

Nemesis. Thee goddess of revenge.

"What the hell is going on?" She fanned the dark fog away from her face.

There was another woman whose eyes were also green, but they looked different. It was a vibrant green with a mix of black. The features were detailed.

She reminded me of Maleficent.

But, I knew who she was. Medusa. Malia's mother.

I'm not going to lie, she looked kind of scary.

The next woman I definitely saw before. Pandora. Her blond wavy hair matched Penny's.

Then, there was a guy. He was super built. He seemed so...so strong, tough, masculine.

Definitely related to Ali. This has to be his father. Ares.

"Hey, guys! Nice of you to join us." Aphrodite smirked.

"What the hell is going on?" Ares asked.

"Oh, Zeus here thought it was good idea to bring you all here against your will." Artemis mumbled. Zeus rested his arm around her shoulders.

"Okay, can anyone explain to me why?" Medusa asked as she started walking around the room. "My god, you all look terrible."

"Really, I thought I looked pretty good today." Apollo smiled. "Ares, my man, how you doin?"

Ares nodded. "I'm fine," They did the handshake thing. "Never thought i'd see you guys for a while." He locked gazes with Artemis. "But, i'm glad I did."

Artemis raised her eyebrows with a smile. "What do you mean by that?" She asked sweetly.

Ares smirked at her before he looked away. "Oh my," Armani whispered.

"God." Ali finished.

Aphrodite sighed. "All this heat is making me tense. Can one of you boys rub my shoulders for me?"

Every single male in the room immediately turned to her. I wanted to roll my eyes again.

"Typical Venus." Nike shook her head.

"Oh, you guys are so dramatic." Aphrodite rolled her eyes.

"Exactly, do you ever stop?" My mother raised her eyebrows.

"I'm sensing jealousy." Nemesis smiled.

"You know, Minerva, I don't know why you must complain about me 24/7. Don't you have a city to worry about?"

Athens. Everyone knows Athens. The whole city basically revolves around my mother. Cool, right? We go every three years.

My mother shrugged. "What can I say, the people love me."

We all fell into silence. Zeus was still staring at all us disparates. It was still making me uncomfortable.

Suddenly, Pandora gasped. Everyone turned to her. "You two." She glared at Nikki and Ali. "You two little demons knocked me unconscious!"

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