18. Kisses and Kooks

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18. Kisses and Kooks 

Know your enemy and know yourself...


Zane and I walked back into Green Brook and it seemed like the day was almost over. I've been skipping classes for the past month and i'm not proud of it. The storm was slowly approaching us. The rain clouds were making their way over from the south side of town. When the storm reaches it's peak, Hayden is going to go through with his plan, and we'll go through with ours.

"Did you tell them to meet us in the library?" Zane asked as we made our way there.

"Yeah, they should be there now." I answered. "You know, back at Dakota High, that went better than I thought. This could actually work." I told Zane honestly with a smile.

He nodded his head. "You did a good job; I know this is going to work. By the way.." Zane touched my arm and I felt a bolt of electricity run through my body.

My body jerked as I felt the shock and Zane just laughed. "What the hell!" I screamed as I still felt my insides tickle. I glared at Zane who was full out laughing.

I tried not to swoon over his laugh. "That's for punching me earlier." He told me.

"Not fair! You lied!" I don't know why there was a smile on my face.

"Well, you're a really strong girl." He shrugged.

I shoved him with a smile. "You're such an ass." He chuckled at me.

We both arrived at the library and as we walked to our usual meeting table, Zane and I stopped. We were now frozen in our spots.

I don't even know how to respond at what i'm looking at. Zane and I looked at each other knowingly and he looked like he wanted to smile.

So, Ace and Armani...were making out. Very passionately might I add.

I tilted my head as I looked at them. Armani was seated on the table while Ace stood in between her legs.


After a while, Zane finally cleared his throat and the lovely couple broke apart. I waved my hand at them and smiled. "Hey, guys."

Armani immediately blushed. Zane and I made our way over to them while he was chuckling. Zane patted Ace on the shoulder. "Nice." He told him.

Ugh, boys. I rolled my eyes at them. "Pigs." I sat on the table, next to Armani and Linked my arm with hers. "I want details later." I told her quietly.

She just smiled, and then spoke softly. "So, what happened at Dakota High?"

Zane shook his head. " Oh no. We're not going to ignore the fact that my boy here just got little Miss Sunshine all hot and bothered.

Armani glared at him before her eyes shifted to a bright purple. "You guys shouldn't talk about girls like that. In a way it's sexist." She told them.

"Sorry, princess." Ace smiled at her.

"Awe." I drawled out as I looked between them. Ace was so cute. Taught him everything he knows.

I'm just kidding. I know nothing about this kind of stuff. Sort of.

"Anyway, let me tell you what happened with Perri..." Zane started explaining to Mani what happened at Dakota High.

During his explanation, I gave Ace a look. He smiled in my direction. 'Oh my god!' I mouthed to him. He just rolled his eyes, still smiling. 'I want all the details later.' I mouthed again and I gave him a cheesy smile.

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