30. Cupid's Arrow

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30. Cupid's Arrow

Dear Cupid, next time, hit them both...


I walked onto the track while putting my hair into a ponytail. I was the first one out of the locker room for gym. I hate doing laps, I always felt like I wanted to pass out.

As I waited for the rest of the students and the coach, I noticed a figure standing in the middle of the field. I guess I wasn't the first one after all. The person- who i'm assuming is a guy- was pacing back and forth.

It started to worry me. I slowly walked over to him, crossing the bright orange trail and onto the grass. As I got closer, I realized it was Andrew. A part of me wants to just turn around and walk away from him...but I didn't.

I walked closer, and once I reached him, I looked at him carefully. He was pacing and he wore a troubled expression.

What's up with him?

"Andrew? What's wrong with you?" I asked as I stuck my hands in my short pockets. He was mumbling something to himself, he still didn't acknowledge me.

"Andrew." I said a little louder. He stopped and looked at me.

He looked at me for a while with a very weird face and then he spoke. "She wants me to kill her." He said, bouncing his leg up and down.

I studied him carefully. His eyes were slightly widened, he was jittery and he was perspiring slightly.

"What are you talking about?" I asked him. He suddenly grabbed me by the shoulders and shook me. "She wants me to kill her." He repeated, a little shaken up.

Wait, Aphrodite wants Cupid to kill Psyche? Oh my goodness... that's pretty harsh. I looked carefully into his gray, soft...yet wild eyes.

"You don't want to hurt her, do you?" I asked quietly. Andrew shook his head with a pained expression. His gray eyes were soft and filled with emotion. That's saying a lot.

"I can't hurt her." He whispered. I sighed.

"Andrew, listen-"

"Andrew, Arden, let's go, get to running!" I turned around at coach's voice and saw mostly everyone was starting their laps. I also saw Psyche putting her dirty blonde hair into a ponytail. Oh no.

I quickly looked back and saw that Andrew was staring at her, his eyes were glowing red. My eyes widened as I caught sight of the arrow in his hand. It was dark blue and my nerves started to act up. No way in hell this was going to happen.

But, I could tell, it really wasn't up to him. "Andrew," I started slowly. "You don't have to do this. You have a choice..." I told him calmly, while my eyes were still on the arrow. I looked up at his face and it was clear he was having a mini-panic-attack.

"I don't." he said, his voice shaking as he looked at Psyche over my shoulder.

"Give me the arrow." I whispered, holding out my hand.

"No." He shook his head.

"Andrew, i'm not letting you do this. Give me the arrow." I tried reaching for it but he jerked it away.

"You don't understand, I have to." I tried reaching for it again, but Andrew held out his arm keeping me away from it. "Arden!"

"Give it to me!" I finally got it out of his grasp. "Andrew, you know you don't want to do this. You and I both know how you feel." Andrew groaned and threw his head back.

"It's not up to me. She gave me my orders and now, it has to be done." He tried grabbing the arrow from me.

"No," I said sternly. "You care about her, why would you hurt her? Not only could you hurt her, but you can hurt someone else."

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