9. Athena

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9. Athena

Intelligence is in the head, not in the age.  -Azerbaijani Proverb


"So, that's the plan?" I asked. "You guys could've just told me." I said to Nikki.

Me and Nikki were sitting on the bench while we waited for the rest of the team. "Well, I thought we made it pretty overt." She laughed. "But, I still can't believe Hayden did that to Mani." She shook her head.

"Yeah, we need to figure out what's going on fast." I agreed with her.

"I can't wait to meet your mother, I bet she's awesome." I gave a humorous laugh.

"Well, she may be Athena, but she's still like any other mother. Crazy and embarrassing." I told Nikki. She looked at me like she wanted to say something and her body language implied she was making a decision. "Nikki, what's wrong?"

Why is she so nervous? "I have a confession to make." She said quietly. I can tell that whatever it was, it was bothering her.

I've never seen Nikki so.. quiet. I nodded my head for her to continue. "I kissed Nate." She said lowly. My eyes widened...

Okay, I did not see that coming.

"Nate?" I asked in disbelief.

She sighed. "I don't know what got over me. I swear, I had no clue what I was doing. I was at my locker and he just showed up. I was telling him to piss off then next thing you know, we were sort of...making out." She was now looking at her hands with sad eyes.

I wrapped her into a hug. "I didn't want to tell you guys because I knew Ali would be disappointed. I'm just really confused. Why am I feeling like this?" she sounded like she was on the break of tears.

"It's okay, Nikki, we'll figure everything out." She pulled back and gave me a smile.

"I hope so."

"So, you really like him." I stated. I knew they weren't dating but they definitely had something.

"I do. I know we tease each other all the time but I don't know what i'd do without him."

"Oh my god, this is too cute. Don't worry, everything will be fine, I promise." She smiled at me again before everyone started coming out of the locker rooms. Armani, Ace, Ali, and Zane made their way towards us.

"Ugh, I'm so not in the mood to practice today." Mani whined.

"Well, the faster we do this, we can get to Arden's house and get the books we need." Zane muttered crossing his arms, with the same bored expression, like always.

Ugh, why can't he just smile. He looks so much cuter when he smiles. Like, really cute.

But that doesn't matter.

"You know Zane, you should smile more. It's better for your health."I told him and he just raised an eyebrow at me. "It's true."

"I can't wait to meet Athena, I bet she's awesome." Armani smiled.

I shrugged. "Well, she's my mom, so..." They laughed. The coach blew his whistle and started shouting about teams. Zane and Hayden were standing in front of us and after three minutes, we were divided into two teams.

On my team, was Zane, Malia, Tyler, Ali, And Armani. Everyone else was on Hayden's team. We were huddled in a circle trying to figure out a strategy. "Okay, Ace and Ali, you guys are right and left back. Malia and Tyler, right and left midfielder. Arden, your stopper, and Mani, you're goalkeeper."

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