8. Cupid

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8. Cupid

Cupid, the little greatest enemy. -Oliver Wendell Holmes Sr.



Hmm. Isn't it weird that whenever something.... Well weird happens, either Hayden or his buddies seem to be around.

Zane, Ali, Nikki, and Mani were right. Something was weird between them and that small hope I had for Hayden disappeared when he flashed that stupid smirk in my direction. Questions still rang through my mind about what just happened with Armani. Why was she acting like that? She didn't push him away, like she wanted Hayden near her....

"So, what are you two up to?" Is quintet my eyebrows at Andrew.

"Nothing. How about you?" I asked. Andrew shrugged.

"Just taking care of business. I have to say Arden, the first time we met,'I didn't realize how beautiful you are. Extremely beautiful."

Even though my heart flipped, I couldn't help but wonder why everyone kept saying that. This is third time someone called me beautiful but they made it seem all creepy like they were stalking me or something.

I'm not that pretty...

"Thanks. Speaking of our first encounter, I don't appreciate you compelling me into finding you extremely sexy." I gave a fake smile.

"You're right. I didn't need to compel you for you to find  me extremely sexy." He mocked.

Andrew turned to Ace. "Ace. The son of Apollo. The positive one, always thinking on the bright side. I've been dying to meet you."

Ace just gave him a cautious look. "What do you want from us?"

Andrew smirked. "Are you sure you don't want anything from me? You see Ace, I'm sure you know by now that my mother is in fact Aphrodite, which makes me Cupid. Therefore, I know all about your love for Mani." Andrew stated.

Okay, this was really frustrating. What the hell is he trying to do?

"Don't call her that." Ace spat.

"My bad." Andrew faked. "I'm just saying, you and Armani, I could make that happen. I mean, I'm Cupid for crying out loud. I'm the symbol of love which is why your friend over hear finds me extremely sexy." He gestured to me and I rolled my eyes.

He was right though. Andrew was hot. Really hot. All of the boys at this school are hot. But that's not important.

Zane had this authority to him that turned me on. I loved it. Nate had this smirk on his face that got me excited. Andrews lips were always pulled up into a smirk and I wanted to feel them all over my skin. Hayden had these dark interesting eyes. I wouldn't mind them goon over my body. Ali was a huge jock and he seems he could play hard, if you know what I mean. And then there's Ace. His whole stature was just....

Wait. What? Hold on.

I looked up and saw Andrews eyes were glowing red and he was wearing a smirk. I looked to Ace and he was in the same trance I was just in.

"You asshole, what are you trying to do?" I glared at Andrew. Ace shook his head and furrowed his eyebrows. That, that was just a distraction!

But from what? I kept glaring at Andrew and he just walks up to me with a heated look. He was really close but I didn't back down. "Oh, sweetheart, it's already been done." Andrews eyes intensely ran over my face. Ace raised his hand and pulled me behind him.

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