10. They Can What?!

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10. They Can What?!

Ability is what gives you the opportunity, belief is what gets you there.  -Apollo

It's been about twenty minutes and we still haven't found anything.

There were over 1,000 books in this library. How are we ever supposed to-

"I found it!" Nikki screamed. "Give me my five dollars, Ace!"

We all walked back to the table and Nikki's eyes glowed yellow. "I win." she said proudly.

"I didn't know it was a competition." Ali raised his eyebrows.

"It's always a competition." She smiled at him.

I looked at the book. It had a symbol of a lightning bolt on it. The hardcover was brown and it had dust covering it. It really was ancient.

Zane brushed it off and it was more clear. I could now see the title. It read:

το δώρο των θεών και το μισό-αίματα

The Gift of the gods and the Half Bloods.

"How'd you know it was the right book?" I asked Nikki. She shrugged.

"I just had a feeling."

"Hey, isn't that Zeus' sign?" Mani asked.

"Yup." I confirmed. I opened the book and looked at the table of contents.

"It's all in greek, how are we supposed to read this?" Nikki asked.

"You think being the sons and daughters of greek gods, we'd at least know the language." Ace shook his head.

"I'll read it." I took the book and turned to Cupid's page. There was a symbol of a heart with an arrow going through it. "This page is about Andrew." I told them.

"We can find out how Hayden compelled Mani." Zane said quietly.

"Asshole." Ace muttered beside me.

The passage was talking about how Aphrodite's first son or the first male of the blood would have a special connection with his mother's power. There were so many ways of beauty and love, the first son shall be the god of desire and erotic love. He's basically sex walking on two legs.

Well, how about that.

I skimmed the passage some more and then looked up. I started to explain to them. "Okay, so the passage basically says Andrew is capable of making anyone attracted to anyone, as long as he is nine feet away from the individual." I told them, repeating what the book said.

"Why nine feet?" Ali asked.

Easy question. "Nine planets." I answered as my eyes shifted.

"I thought there were only eight." Ace mumbled.

"Well, technically Pluto is still a planet. That's Hades' planet." I said.

"Well who the fuck named it Pluto?" Nikki asked.

"Okay, we're getting off topic." Zane piped in.

I sighed and continued explaining. "He could also make anyone attracted to himself by sticking an arrow into their wrist. But, any attraction can be harmful. For some people, the attraction becomes too much and they start stalking, kidnapping, and becoming violent."

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