34. Taken Part 2

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34. Taken Part 2

Anger is your worst enemy, control it- Unknown.


We all stood in the middle of the gymnasium. Just the three of us.

I was biting on my nails, Armani was chewing on her necklace, and Zane's eyebrows were drawn together in deep thought.

Ali...Ali was laying unconscious on the floor next to us. He was really about to snap someone's neck. He couldn't calm down, so I had to knock him out.

The situation at hand me my heart beat vigorously. They have Nikki. I don't know how, I don't know why, but I do know exactly who has her.

"Guys, what are we going to do?" Armani asked. "Do you know what they could be doing to her?"

"Nikki's a strong girl." Zane pointed out.

"Yeah, but how strong can she really be?" I whispered. Zane and Armani gave me a sad look. We might be disparates but we are still human, also. "Everyone has a weakness." I told them.

"We have to find her." Armani started pacing.

"Yeah, but why would they take her in the first place?" I asked, deep in thought.

It was quiet once again before Zane spoke. "The key."

The key?

"What are you talking about?" I asked.

"The necklace that was used in the 'note', the necklace that Nikki wears everyday...it had a key on it, next to the heart."

I don't see a key in the note. Maybe that's what they wanted from her. That's why they took her.

"They wanted the key on the necklace...why?" Armani asked.

"I didn't know." Zane mumbled.

"Where do you think she is?" I asked.

Armani shook her head. "Where do we even start?"

More silence. My brain went to work for a while, then I got an idea.

"I know-"

"Arden..." Zane cut me off with a warning tone.

"It's time we put the blonde hair bitch to some good use."


I followed Zane into the classroom with Armani next to me. She had her bow in her hand and there was an arrow held in her belt.


I never liked this girl. If I could, I would strangle her until she was purple. So seeing her right now slung over Zane's shoulder with a piece of duct tape over her mouth, brought joy to me.

You can tell she was trying to scream but it was obviously muffled.

As we entered the empty classroom, Armani locked the door behind us, and closed the blinds. Zane set Penny down harshly in a chair and we all stood around her.

She couldn't run, she couldn't do anything. The three of us surrounded her. Armani took the arrow from her belt and positioned it in her bow, aiming at Penny.

She was still trying to scream and I just walked up to her. I held her still and Armani spoke. "When we take the tape off, I suggest you refrain from making a sound, or else you will end up with an arrow in your throat."

Penny glared at us through her cold lifeless blue eyes. I stepped forward and ripped the tape off her face. She let out a sound of pain and Armani pulled back her arrow, threatening her.

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