16. Dumbfounded

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16. Dumbfounded

Sleeping is nice. You forget about everything for a little while.  -Unknown


I was sitting in Armani's living room and we were huddled around the couch. There were two pizza boxes on the floor and we're wrapped up in blankets.

"Oh my gosh, I can't believe he just said that to her." Armani cried.

"They both love each other, why don't they just admit it." I sobbed bringing the tissues up to my eyes.

"Why do boys have to be so dumb?" Nikki cursed while she threw the tissue box at the screen.

So far, this slumber party has been awesome. Mani's house is so cute.

I also met her mom, Artemis. She's freaking awesome. Reminds me of my mother, just less crazy.

Nikki paused the movie. "Speaking of boys, how'd the date with Ace go, Mani?" She asked. Armani smiled.

"It actually went pretty great."

"I want to hear all about it, what did he do?" I asked jumping up and down.

"We just talked a lot. And um...he might have kissed me again." She said quietly.

Nikki's screamed. "Oh my gosh, did you kiss him back? Did you guys use tongue? Jeez, Armani, he definitely wants to have sex with you!"

Oh my goodness. I can't. We all started laughing. "You really like him?"

"I do." Armani nodded. "Like a lot. How can you not, he's so sweet and gentle. Ugh, he's just amazing." She sighed.

"Aww." Nikki pouted.

"What about you, Nikki?" I asked. "You and Ali seem to be really close, are you guys dating?"

Nikki sighed and it looked like she was struggling with her words. "I don't even know. I've never been so confused in my life."

No question that Ali is a ladies man. I know he goes around messing with other girls.

It seems like he cares a lot about Nikki, I could tell. However, it seems they have one if those 'What are we?' Relationships.

"Trust me, Nikki, Ali cares about you so much." I told her. "I can see it."

"Arden's right. Ali definitely has strong feelings for you." Armani added.

Nikki shrugged. "I guess you guys are right." She shook her head and looked at me. "Anyway.....what about you and Zane?"

Zane and I? What about us?

"Oh come on, you can't tell us that you don't feel anything for him." Nikki raised her eyebrows at me.

I did. I did feel something for Zane. Yeah, he's a pain in the ass but he's a cute pain in the ass.

I shrugged my shoulders. "Maybe." I whispered. Nikki and Armani screamed and I laughed at them.

"You do like him." Mani squealed.

I shrugged again. "I mean, I like that there's more to him than the surface. He's really caring and sweet when he wants to be, but I just like being around him." I admitted shyly.

Yes, I'm attracted to Zane. In all ways possible.

They screamed again.

Just then, the doorbell rang, Armani stood up. "I got it."

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