'Watch Me'

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Justin's POV

I got so sick and tired of me and Selena's arguments so I decided to hit the club alone and just have a couple drinks to get my mind off things. I made sure to stay away from paparazzi so Selena doesn't suspect anything.

"Hit me up with another beer" I told the guy working behind the bar.

"Are you sure sir? You've had a lot of drinks plus your famous so things might not end up well." The guy said.

"I didn't ask for your opinion now give me a beer." I said harshly as we went back to get a beer.

He brought it and left and as I took a sip, a good looking girl came up to me

"I'm Treya." She said all flirty.

"I'm Justin." I said.

"I know that silly. How about you come over to my house." She smirked.

"I'm married." I said annoyed

"One night won't hurt. Your wife won't find out." She said literally begging me to come.

I swear I wasn't thinking but I said yes and we went over to her house. Before I knew, she started kissing my neck and next I know I wake up the next morning in her bed.. naked.

"Shit shit shit." I said getting up quickly .

"What's wrong baby?" Treya said

"What's wrong? I cheated on my wife!" I shouted putting on my clothes and grabbing my keys leaving quickly .

I parked my car in my drive way and walked in expecting questions to be popped up in my face.

"Mommy! Daddy's home!" Kendall yelled out.

Selena walked in looking angry.

"Kendall go up to your room." Selena said as Kendall ran off.

"Babe I know your mad but I can explain." I popped out.

"Justin! I was worried sick about you! Where the hell were you!" Selena yelled out.

"I- I stayed at Fredo's." I lied.

"Ha funny because last time I checked, Fredo is in Paris with Demi." Selena scoffed.

"I- I" I stuttered. I had no idea what to say.

A minute later I heard Selena smelling something ..

"Is that girl perfume?" Selena asked angry.

"What? No." I lied.

"Oh my god yes it is! Justin your cheating on me!" She yelled out.

"No I'm not Sel!" I lied again.

"Justin you have red lipstick on your shirt! How could you!?" Selena said with tears running down.

"Sel I was drunk! I didn't mean anything!" I said .

"No because if I were in your position, I would of controlled myself and not cheated. You didn't. I can't believe you." Selena cried out.

I feel like shit now.

"Sel please don't be mad I-" I got cut off.

"Don't be mad!? Justin you f****** cheated on me!" Selena cried out.

"I'm sorry! I didn't mean it!" I yelled out.

"Justin I'm leaving." Selena said as she went upstairs to pack her bag.

"What! You can't leave!" I yelled out.

"You've hurt me enough you jerk!" Selena yelled out.

"I'm sorry babe!" I yelled out.

"Don't babe me. Kendall let's go!" Selena yelled out.

"Mommy where we going?" Kendall asked .

"We're staying with aunt Ariana okay?" Selena said as she picked up Kendall and walked to her.

"You can't do this to me Selena!" I said grabbing her arm.

"Watch me." Selena said as she got in her car and left.

Selena's POV

I couldn't believe the shit Justin puts me through. He starts arguments and now cheats!? I don't even wanna face him anymore.

"Mommy why you crying?" Kendall asked shyly.

"Daddy is a jerk and he kissed another girl." I said not caring if Kendall knows or not.

"Will I ever see daddy again?" Kendall asked which made me cry even more inside.

"Y-yes baby girl. J-just n-not now." I tried my best saying without breaking and crying.

I reached Ariana and knocked on her door.

"Sel? Oh my god what's wrong?" She asked worried taking Kendall and letting me inside.

"J-Justin cheated on me." I said breaking down crying. I couldn't hold it in anymore.

"Kendall go upstairs and there are some toys in my room okay?" Ariana said.

"Okay auntie." Kendall said and ran upstairs.

"So what exactly happened?" Ariana asked.

"He left at night I didn't know where he was going so then he came back the next morning smelling like perfume and he had lipstick on his t-shirt." I said trying my best not to cry.

"Oh my god Sel I'm so sorry!" Ariana said hugging me tightly.


Ooh more drama showed up!
And please read my new book called "Trust Issues | Jaden Smith |" please for a long part next :)

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