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Selena's POV

He admit it. He was breaking himself. That's all I wanted to here.. the truth coming out of him. He's not just broken, I am to. I've hurt myself, I most likely hurt our family to. I feel guilty, when this was a right idea. I had to do this.

My phone started buzzing on the table, making it vibrate. The screen glowed, showing Justin's contact picture. Why was he calling me? Kendall and Mason are with him.

"Hello?" I answered as I picked up myself and walked to the kitchen.

"Hey. How's it going?" Justin asked. Why'd he want to know how am I doing?

"Um I'm good, what about you?" I asked back just to he polite about it.

"Okay enough with this stupid greetings. I'm taking you out for lunch so we could talk." Justin said and I sighed.

"Justin I don't want to go to lunch with you." I simply replied.

"Selena we need to talk, wether you like it or not. I'll pick you up at 5." Justin said and hung up. I guess I had no choice but to go with him.

I got dressed, nothing fancy. Just some light ripped jeans with a black shirt and cardigan. I didn't feel the urge to dress up, especially since I'm going out with my ex-husband.

Ex. I always hated that word.


I heard Justin's car honk, notifying me that he's here. I grabbed my coat and purse and opened the door to his black Ferrari.

"Hey." Justin said and I quietly responded the same thing.

"Hey." I said.

"Um we're going to Urth Caffe.. If that's fine.." Justin said taking one hand off the wheel and one hand still on the wheel.

"That's fine." I quietly said and looked out the window, finding paparazzi already following us.


I stepped out the car, following Justin inside and ignoring the flashing camera's and annoying questions paparazzi shot at us. I'm already guessing they have a new rumor coming up.

I sat down, across from Justin on the table as we ordered our drinks and salad and then it became an awkward silence.

"Okay.. well I brought you here so we could talk.. obviously." Justin said and I chuckled a little at his dumbness.

"Okay.. what did you want to talk about?" I asked and took a sip of my water.

"Okay.. well um. I asked you this yesterday but like I said.. is this going to be forever?" Justin asked nervously.

"Is what going to be forever?" I asked back.

"Us.. are we going to be separated for good?" Justin asked.

"Justin.. I honestly have no clue what the future is for us. For now, we should just see where all this takes us. I just need more time to think about this." I said and Justin nodded in agreement.

"Then I'll give you space to think. But I don't want us to ignore each other forever. It's also affecting Ken." Justin sighed.

"I know.. I know. Like I said, I'm going to think about all this and I guess whatever happens.. happens." I replied.

"Are you mad at me? For being depressed and all that.." Justin asked.

"Why would I be mad? I mean I could understand all the pain you must be feeling right now." I said.

"Then why'd you leave? Why'd you do all this?" Justin asked and I sighed.

"The truth is, your sadness was affecting me. I couldn't handle it anymore and I had to get away I guess. I needed a little break." I replied.

"Oh." Was all Justin said and I quietly nodded.

"Are we friends? Are we still together? What are we?" Justin asked.

"Well we didn't get divorced, we just took a break, I guess you could say that. " I said and Justin smiled slightly.

"So we still have a chance? To make thing work?" Justin questioned.

"Yeah. Yeah I guess. We could make this relationship work, just not now. I need time to think about things." I said and Justin nodded.

"That's actually all I needed to hear. " Justin said and I smiled.

"I'm glad we actually got to clear things up." I said and Justin chuckled.

"Me to." Justin said and threw a piece of lettuce at me and I laughed and threw one back.

"Well we should get back. I have to meet Khloe for something." I said and Justin nodded as he took me to Khloe's and left to wherever he's staying at.

I'm actually glad I cleared up things with Justin. We're not together but talking to him lifted a weight off my shoulder.

I missed him to be honest.


Guys I updated twice ! Haha. Sorry it's short but it's 12 AM and I have
school :(

Btw Urth Caffe is like a place in California :)

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