'Behind My Back'

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Selena's POV

I had trouble sleeping, thinking about if Mason should be public yet but I finally made my decision..

The next morning, Justin was already awake with Mason and Kendall and they were sitting on the couch watching T.V while Justin was feeding Mason.

"Morning babe." Justin said.

"Hey, morning Kendall." I said.

"Good morning mommy." Kendall said and went back to watching T.V.

I grabbed Mason from Justin, and I sat next to them.

"Hi little Mas." I smiled at his adorable giggle.

"So did you make up your mind?" Justin asked.

"Yeah, I don't want Mason to be public.. I'm sorry but I'm just not ready for that yet." I said and sighed.

Justin's mood seemed to change because he got all angry.

"Seriously? Give me a break he's gonna be seen anyway!" He shouted.

"Justin lower your voice, Kendall and Mason are here." I said calmly without exploding on Justin

"This isn't just your decision, if I want Mason to be public, I'll let him." Justin said.

"Yeah, well it's my decision to. It's pretty much my full decision because I was carrying him around for 9 months and I had so much pain giving birth to him so no Justin this isn't your decision." I said and took the kids out with me.

I decided to go over to Demi's and I took Kendall and Mason with me. I literally just left Justin there which I could care less since he's all angry.

I reached Demi's house and I parked in her driveway and walked in. She doesn't care when I do that.

I walked in and I saw Ashley, Khloe, Stella, Vanessa and Demi.

Wow, thanks for the invite.

"Hey Sel, what are you doing here?" Demi asked.

"Um do you want me to go?" I asked.

"No I called you but I guess you were sleeping." Demi smiled and told me to sit down.

"Sel, Justin called us." Khloe said.

"What? Why?" I asked as I put Kendall to watch T.V and held Mason.

"He said you guys got in an argument and he wanted to know if you were here." Khloe said.

"Oh.." Was all I said.

Really? Justin calls my friends now?

"Yeah, so what happened?" Stella asked.

I explained to them everything that happened and they just stared at me.

"Guys?" I asked.

"Justin is an idiot, it's to early for Mason to be public." Demi said.

"I know, it's not like he even cares." I said with what so no emotion.

Stella's phone started ringing.

"Um it's Justin.. do I answer?" Stella asked.

"Yeah and put it on speaker." I said as Stella answered.

Stella: Hello?
Justin: Is Selena there?
Stella: Um no. *stella lied*
Justin: Oh okay..
Stella: Why do you keep calling us?
Justin: Because Selena won't answer me and she's probably on her way to you.
Stella: Okay so what do I tell her?
Justin: Don't tell her anything, she pissed me off anyways.

I was pretty angry at what Justin said, and also the girls gave me a what-the-heck look.. So I decided to step in the conversation.

Selena: I'm sorry Justin, if I pissed you off, why are you stalking me and my friends?

Then Justin hung up.

"Wow.. that was hilarious." Ashley blurted.

I giggled at how Ashley always takes things as jokes.

"Well, I should just get going back home." I said and grabbed Kendall and Mason.

"Alright, call us and tell us everything." Vanessa said as I left and got in my car.

Paparazzi started following me so I took a shortcut and finally made it home.

I walked in and saw Justin playing video games with Ryan.

"Uncle Ryan!" Kendall yelled and sat on his lap.

"Hey kenny wenny." Ryan said as he used Kendall's nick name.

"Hey Ryan." I said and walked to the kitchen.

A couple hours later, Ryan left and I walked to the living room finding Justin on the ground still playing video games.

"Oh your here." Justin said.

"Yeah. this is my house." I said annoyed of him.

"Anyways, I posted a picture of Mason on Instagram." Justin said.

"What? Justin how could you? I specifically told you not to and I wasn't ready for him to he public yet!" I shouted

Then Mason started crying so I took him upstairs to his nap and put Kendall in her room so she could watch T.V.

The I walked back downstairs seeing Justin on the couch rubbing his head.

I didn't even ask him what's wrong, he obviously doesn't care what I think since he went behind my back and posted the picture.

"Babe I'm sorry, I shouldn't of went behind your back.." Justin said.

I ignored him, not caring what so ever.

"Sel I deleted it I'm sorry.." Justin said.

"What does deleting it do? Half of your followers probably screen shotted it anyways." I snapped and walked to the kitchen then Justin followed.

"Okay so? They were gonna see him anyways." Justin said.

"But I didn't want it to be now! Do you not give a shit about my opinions or thoughts or decisions!?" I shouted.

"No I do! I just think that we should of got it over with anyways and posted the damn picture." Justin snapped.

"I just don't even want to face you right now." I said and walked upstairs.

Thank god Justin didn't follow me.


Ooh drama just started! What do you thinks gonna happen next?

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