'Its Time'

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Justin's POV

*8 Months Later*

I was sitting downstairs watching T.V until Selena called my name so I rushed up the stairs.

"It's time.." Selena said.

I was a little bit confused at first.

"Time for what?" I asked.

"The baby! It's time!" Selena said.

"Oh! Oh god okay I'll grab the hospital bag and the video camera." I said.

"Okay don't forget Kendall" Selena said while putting on her make up.

Is she crazy!?

"Sel you don't need make up we're in a hurry!" I said as I grabbed Kendall and the rest of the stuff.

"I know but I don't wanna look like shit while delivering a baby. Plus I've done this before, it's gonna be easier." Selena said.

"Sel, let's go!" I said rushing out the house while Selena walked as slow as a turtle behind me.

"Your kidding me right!?" I shouted from the car.

"I'm coming I'm coming." She said as she sat in the back next to Kendall.

"Mommy where are we going so late at night?" Kendall asked.

"We're going to meet your brother or sister." Selena said.

We didn't want the know the baby gender so it could be a surprise.

Selena's POV

We were on our way to the hospital and I was so excited but my stomach had so much pain.

Once we reached the hospital, Justin grabbed the stuff and Kendall and we walked to the front desk.

"Hi my wife's in labor." Justin said to the lady.

"Alright. Name please?" She asked.

"Selena Bieber." Justin said then some people took us in the room to deliver the baby.

"Alright Selena, are you having any pain?" The doctor asked.

"Just a little." I said calmly.

"Okay. It will be about 2 hours until you actually get into delivering this baby." The doctor said.

"Alright." I said .

"Okay, there's a button so when you have any emergency, call us and we will have a nurse come and check on you every once in a while." The doctor said.

"Okay thank you." I said trying to ignore the stomach pain.

"So babe you are you feeling?" Justin asked as the doctor left.

"Never better." I said.

"Your sweating like crazy." Justin said.

"Justin I know." I giggled.

"I can't wait for this baby." Justin said.

"Me neither." I smiled.

Justin's POV

It's been 2 hours and the baby is finally coming.

"Okay Selena, one deep breathe and push as hard as you can." The doctor said.

"Uuuuuugh" She groaned while pushing.

"Okay the head is almost out, push Selena." The doctor said.

Selena pushed a couple more times and the baby finally arrived.. my second child.

"Congratulations, it's a boy!" The doctor said.

I smiled really big.

"That's.. that's amazing." I said holding Selena's hand.

"Okay would you like to hold your baby when we clean it up?" The doctor asked.

"Of course." Selena smiled.

Once they got the baby cleaned up and left the room, I sat next to Selena.

"He's adorable." I said.

"I know.. I'm so happy." Selena smiled.

"Mommy is that my sister?" Kendall asked.

"No honey, it's your brother." Selena said.

"What's his name?" Kendall asked.

Me and Selena both picked a name together last month for a boy.

"His name is Mason." I said as I put Kendall in my lap.

"He looks like daddy." Kendall said.

"He does doesn't he." Selena said.

"All girls will be wanting him." I chuckled.

"Justin shut up." Selena laughed slightly.

"Mommy when do me and Mason go home?" Kendall asked.

"If you wanna stay with me, we leave tomorrow. If you wanna go home, daddy can take you home but Mason will stay here." Selena said.

"I wanna stay with mommy and Mason." Kendall said.

"Ugh I feel so sore." Selena said.

"I know babe. It'll be fine." Justin said

Selena's POV

The next morning Justin was asleep on the couch with Kendall and Mason was getting checked before we left.

"Mrs. Bieber?" The nurse said coming in.

"Yes?" I answered.

"Mason is ready and if your ready to go home, you can." The nurse smiled handing me Mason.

"Alright, thank you." I smiled.

"Your welcome and good luck." The nurse said leaving the room.

I got up and got changed into a pair of sweats and a tank top and I woke up Justin so we can leave.

"Justin are you ready?" I asked.

"Yeah let me just put Kendall in the stroller." Justin said.

"Wait how do we leave without the paparazzi crowding us?" I asked.

"Uh I guess we'll have to cover up Mason with a blanket." Justin said.

"Alright" I said.

We left the hospital and barely made it to our car without being asked questions by paparazzi.

"Justin, how's the baby? What's his name? Is it a boy or a girl? Are you okay Selena?" The paparazzi asked.

"I'm good, thanks for asking and the baby's a boy. His name is Mason." I said to be polite.

"Good luck Selena." One of the paparazzi shouted when I got in Justin's car.

"Wow. They were nice." Justin said.

"I guess." I said as I watched Mason and Kendall sleep until we got home.

I got in the house and I put Mason in his crib next to my bed and Justin put Kendall in her room.

"How you feeling?" Justin asked.

"Better. You?" I asked.

"Great." Justin smiled as he got in bed and we both cuddled up.

"I'm so happy." I said.

"I know. Mason is amazing." Justin smiled then we both drifted off to sleep.

I was woken up in the middle of the night by Masons crying.

"Oh baby it's okay." I said rocking his crib as he drifted back to sleep.

Then I heard Justin groan and wake up.

"Is it morning already?" He asked

"No babe, it's like 4 AM, Mason just woke up." I said.

"Oh okay." Justin said as he went back to sleep.

Justin's POV

The next morning I went downstairs and saw that Selena was awake holding Mason in her hands while Kendall sat next to them.

"Morning." I said.

"Oh morning babe." Selena said.

"Daddy. Mason smiled for the first time." Kendall said.

"Oh really? That's great." I smiled and sat next to Selena.

"Wanna hold him?" Selena asked.

"Sure." I said and put Mason in my arms.

"Hi little Mas. (Masons nick name). I'm your daddy." I smiled.

"Daddy he can't talk." Kendall said.

"I know baby girl." I chuckled.

"Can he walk?" Kendall asked.

"Not yet but he can crawl soon." I said.

"Okay because I wanna play dollies with him soon." Kendall said.

"Are you happy you have a brother?" Selena asked.

"Yes mommy." Kendall said.

"Oh crap. Sel I need to go to the studio for a meeting. If you want I can stay.." I said.

"No Jay, it's fine." Selena said.

"Are you sure? I don't wanna leave you and Mason and Kendall here alone." I said.

"It's fine. How long will you be gone?" Selena asked.

"Just an hour." I said.

"Okay. Call me." Selena said as I left.

Selena's POV

When Justin left, I gave Kendall a bowl of cereal and I fed Mason a bottle of milk.

"*Burp* Oopsies." Kendall said.

"Oh baby girl it's fine." I giggled at Kendall's small little burp.

"When is daddy coming home?" Kendall asked.

"1 hour I hope." I said.

3 hours later, Justin wasn't back yet so I put Mason to his nap and turned on Kendall's t.v so she can watch her show.

Then I decided to call Justin.

Justin: Hey Sel, I'm really sorry the meeting got longer because I needed to record some songs.
Selena: You could of called me at least. I was worried sick.
Justin: I know I forgot.
Selena: Whatever bye.

I was pretty pissed off at Justin because first he promised an hour and I understand the meeting was longer but he left me all alone with a newborn baby that supposed to be raised by two parents.

Justin then showed up and walked in the door.

"Hey Sel.." He said.

I just ignored him and went upstairs to check on the kids.

"Sel come on I'm sorry.." Justin said following me.


Hey guys! So I made it a bit long for you:) ITS SNOWING❄️❄️ haha sorry. Anyways yeah like I said expect more drama :)
Next part will be long as well :)

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