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Justin's POV

Two weeks have passed by and I still feel miserable about Selena leaving me. What the hell did I do wrong? I thought she would help me get through my depression but obviously she could care less. I most likely think she'll move on and find somebody else.

"Bro, Selena called. She's on her way to drop off Kendall and Mason." Alfredo told me and walked off.

I sighed. It's not that I didn't want to see my kids, it's just that seeing Selena will make me miserable. I'm already miserable thinking about her.

I heard a knock on the door, and I knew Selena was here. I pressed my hand on the knob, slowly opening the door and seeing the sight of Selena's face. She seemed fine. She wasn't broken like me. She looked like she didn't have a care in the world.

"Um hey. Here's Kendall and Mason's bag, and the paper. I'll pick them up in 3 days. Have fun." Selena said and was about to leave but I slightly grabbed her wrist.

"You seem fine. You seem really fine. Do you obviously not care about all of this?" I asked almost seeming mad.

"Justin I don't think I have to tell you how I feel anymore. We're not together and you can't control me." Selena argued back as she yanked her wrist back and walked off.

Is that how she feels? She wouldn't care about me moving on? She wouldn't care to see me with another girl? She wouldn't care about any of this shit? Who does she think she is? Leaving and snapping at everyone like she runs this world? Not in my house. This is Bieber world and she's just living in it. (haha lol I had to say this.)

"Daddy!" Kendall ran up to me and have me a big bear hug.

"Hey baby girl. How was staying at Khloe's?" I asked and put her and Mason down on my lap.

"I don't like it because your not here. Why does mommy say you need to work everyday? Please come back daddy." Kendall pouted.

"Mommy doesn't want me to come back baby girl but at least I can see you every week." I said and she nodded.

"So what are we gonna do?" Kendall asked me.

"Well first we're going to get smoothies from Starbucks with uncle Fredo okay?" I said and she nodded in excitement.

We all left Alfredo's house and Fredo drove to the Starbucks at the mall so we could walk around a little. After I got out the car with Kendall holding my hands and Fredo carrying Mason, paparazzi swarmed me and attacked me with flashing lights and questions like 'how's my separation going' or 'do my kids hate me' and stuff related to that. I ignored all the questions and walked inside Starbucks.

"Hello how can I take your order?" The lady behind the stand asked me.

"Can I get four strawberry smoothies and two muffins please?" I asked and the lady nodded.

"That'll be 15.74 sir." The lady said as I handed her the money and got our drinks and muffins.

I gave everyone their drinks and we walked inside the mall, thankfully there was hardly any fans today. I walked in a toy store and Kendall started looking around while me and Fredo sat down.

"So what did Selena say when she came by?" Alfredo asked.

"She said I can't control her and she doesn't have to tell me how she's feeling since we aren't together anymore." I sighed and Alfredo nodded.

"She seems bitchy, no offense but why doesn't she give a damn about any of this?" Alfredo asked.

"I don't know. She might of moved on in those stupid two weeks." I said and kept an eye on Kendall.

"Uh dude.. I know you don't want to hear this right now but Selena and Khloe are right behind you." Alfredo said worried and I looked behind finding them.

"What the hell are they doing here? Why is she here?" I asked worried. Wait why am I even worried?

Before Alfredo could say anything, Khloe walked up to us.

"Hey Alfredo.. Justin." Khloe slightly smiled.

"Hey what are you doing here?" Alfredo asked politely so he didn't make it seem offensive.

"Um I'm getting some toys for my niece and I invited Selena along. Obviously a bad idea." Khloe said referring to me.

I just scoffed and looked away to keep a watch on Kendall.

"Hey Khl- Justin? What are you doing here?" Selena asked surprised that I was here.

"Uh me and Fredo brought Kendall and Mason here." I replied awkwardly.

"Where's Kendall? I don't see her." Selena asked looking around.

"She's looking at the girl toys on the left." I said and slightly sighed of annoyance.

"Justin you can't just let her walk off by herself without watching her." Selena snapped.

"For your information, you can't control me." I mimicked her voice.
"And I was watching her until you guys showed up in our faces."

"Hey hey this is a toy store, don't argue here. Come on Selena lets go." Khloe said as her and Selena walked off.

"Dude what the hell was that?" Alfredo asked confused.

"I don't know why she's acting so rude now. I'm starting to think she hates me for me being depressed the past weeks. I know we're not together but aren't separated people supposed to be friends?" I asked.

"Um I guess it takes time? I don't know man I'm new to all this married stuff ya'll have." Fredo said and I chuckled.

It's true though. Selena's acting different and I want to know why. I'm starting to think that my depression wasn't the reason she left me. I think she left me for something else that she doesn't want to tell me or anybody else about. I'll find out, trust me.


Today's Random Quote:
"Everybody Has A Secret."

Guys ! No one is voting for my stories anymore :( I feel like I just have silent readers, not that It bothers me.

Lol okay guys I passed my math final so that means more updates for you! The pages are a little longer now :)

Anyways, love ya and xo.

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