Chapter Seven: Keary

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When we got close enough, I ordered my men to dismount. Though good for long distance, horses are noisy and would give us away, and I wasn't about to let this oportunity slip. We tied the horses to a few nearby tree-branches and approached the camp on foot.

We were hidden in some brush and quite close when I suddenly held up my hand to silence Boron and the rest of his slip-shot crew. There she was. She knew we were there too. She had her head cocked to the side and was listening. She was waiting for us to get closer, and I decided to humor her. I held up my hand again, this time as a signal for my men to attack. It was six to one and we had the upper hand. This would be over in five minutes.

We attacked and I quickly realized that I had underestimated her skill. She made quick work of Boron and two others. The fight was lasting longer than I had anticipated; she was better than I had expected. Way better. She finished off the other two and I was the last man standing.

Our fight was intense. We had trained under the same person so we knew a lot of the same tactics, but I had learned much in the years I was away. However, apparently so had Bloody-Hand. And he'd taught it all to her.

She had the upper hand now, and I had to use a knife trick I was assuming she didn't know. I grabbed her wrist and twisted it, whilst dropping my blade and grabbing her other wrist with my other hand. She immediatley responded with bringing her knees up and giving me a hard kick to the chest, which knocked the breathe clean out of me. I had to let go of her wrists and I hunched over, trying to regain my ability to breath. She circled me, waiting for my next move.

When she didn't see it coming she voiced the question: "What do you want?"

I replied, still wheezing, "You."

She stopped and looked at me out of the corner of her eyes. "Why?"

I stood up. "I need you to help me get my revenge."

She turned and faced me, still on her guard in case this was a trick. "On who?"

A slow, sadistic smile crossed my face. "On Bloody-Hand."

She grinned also, clearly enjoying the thought. "What's in it for me?"

"Money," I replied.

"Hmm. How much?"

"Lot's," I said while making diect eyes contact.

She nodded. "Good enough for me," She said and sheathed her knives.

Excellent. She was on my side.

Keary - GadSul  

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