Chapter Thirty-Eight: Theo

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My vision turned red. So red and fuzzy that everything confused and disorientated me. I blinked, trying to clear it, but nothing helped. I knew that I had lost a lot of blood, but it still didn't seem real to me.

I was dying.

I found some comfort when Adira moved my head onto her lap. She seemed to be saying something, but my hearing was off, and I couldn't quite discern everything.


Vaguely, there was shuffling nearby. Then more voices.

"...what can...done..."

"...might...too late..."

The voices faded in and out, but somehow I realized they were talking about me. Then I felt cold hands on my shoulder before my pain increased tenfold.

There was screaming. It hurt my ears. But then I came to a horrible conclusion: I was the one screaming.

The pain was too much. It spread everywhere, until I couldn't hear anything. Something was pressing against my shoulder on my wound, which only made it worse. And worse. And worse.

"...It's not helping..."

"...too late...him..."

Frustrated, I strained my ears even more, hoping to hear the sound of Adira's voice. Then I could focus on that instead of all this pain.

" him..." Adira! I know that voice anywhere. "Please..."

I tried to tell her I would be fine, but my mouth wouldn't cooperate. I groaned inside. Nothing would work; my body wouldn't respond to my commands.

Then darkness. Sweet, peaceful darkness. No pain.

Well... Shoot, is Theo okay?? Of course not, lol ;) (oh wait, that's not funny.......) Anywho, sorry for not updating for forever. In atonement, I will post another update right after this. :)

Theo - Ithildae

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