Chapter Forty-Nine: Adira

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“Theo, it’s fine,” I gently pushed his hand away from my cheek, “Just relax, and get some rest.” I smiled at him, resisting the urge to feel my cheek.

He relaxed after a little more coaxing on my part, and closed his eyes, obviously tired after his exertion earlier.

I flicked my gaze up to the man, and noted that he had stiffened somewhat. His head was tilted to the cave opening for a moment before he snapped out of it and strode quickly over to Theo and I.

For a moment, a wild plan popped into my head about overpowering him, but I quickly dismissed it. Theo would not have been able to help me, and while I might have been able to hold my own against the man if I had a sword, that was not the case. Physically, I most definitely could not have beaten him.

On his way over to us, he snatched up a long length of rope, watching both of us, and occasionally glancing at the cave’s entrance.

“Up,” he ordered me, and I complied warily, not wanting to see what he would do if I didn’t. As soon as I was up, he quickly, and effectively, tied my hands together. Once he finished, he did the same thing to Theo.

Next, he positioned us back-to-back, and then tied us together.

My mind was whirring, trying to figure out why he was tying us now. And then there was the fact that he kept looking at the cave entrance.

Wait, was someone coming? For us?

I tried to keep my hopes down, to not give myself a false alarm, but I failed. The sound of freedom sounded wonderful right then.

The man walked quickly around the cave, collecting several items and stuffing them in his satchel. My suspicions were becoming more and more confirmed as he finished and whistled sharply, summoning his hawk.

Without waiting, he left the cave and faintly I heard his horse leaving.

Several moments later, I heard more horses approaching, as well as armor clinking. Voices carried faintly over, and I could barely understand a few words. But what I did hear set any fears I had had previously to rest. Alternatively, my heart soared.

“Over here!” I yelled as loudly as I could.

The voices were raised somewhat when they heard me, and I could hear them approaching faster.

Well, this is rather interesting O.O Hope you keep reading to find out what happens! :D

Adira - Evara

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