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A/N: Triple update tonight because I nothing better to do with my life.

You shot the ceiling to make everyone aware that you and J were present.

You were planning on stealing a diamond artifact in this museum, and then selling for more money.

You and J shot everyone in sight; the artifact was more important than them.

A crash was heard, and you saw the one and only Batman.

"C'mon Batsy!" You frowned, "You're always ruining the fun!"

"Bats, just leave before you get ya'self hurt." J pulled a gun on him.

Batsy didn't move, tempting J to take a shot.

You stood near the Bat, waiting for the bullet to hit him.

Instead, Batman grabbed you and used you as a human shield. J's golden bullet hot your shoulder.

"Y/N! I'm sorry." J let his guard down, and ran to get you.

Batsy picked you up and hoisted both of you to the top of another building with a grappling hook.

"I'll come for you, baby!" You heard your lover, J, yell.

And you didn't doubt him at all.


You woke up in a metal cell. You attempted to lift your arms up, but failed due to a white straight-jacket.

You stood up and walked to the cell's closed gate, where a guard stood.

"Hey, cute stuff! You know Mista Jay is gonna get me out of here! And he'll kill you and all your guard friends! Ya hear? He'll kill you!" You yelled.

"Shut up, lady! No one crazy enough to be put in this asylum gets out!"


Three days passed, but you weren't discouraged.

As if on que, you heard machine guns fire, and a deranged laugh.

You grabbed the bars and tried to peek your head out.

"Baby, I'm here! I knew you would come for me!"

J wizzed around the corner and smiled widely when he saw you.

"There you are, dollface!"

He gestured for one of his goons to open the cell door.

You instantly ran out and jumped onto J.

"Come on, baby. Let's go home."

wc: 338

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