(20 - part 2)

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- Directly after last part -

Your eyes widened when you realized what you had done. How can you be so foolish- so stupid?

You weren't the only one that saw the plate, you figured this information when your fellow officers looked at you with strange looks while backing away. Looks of pity, others of anger. You were also extremely angry with yourself, so you understood their stance against you.

"L/N. Come in. Station, now." You heard a voice from your car's radio, your chief's voice.

Shit, this can't be good.


You arrived at the station, nervous as ever. Chief has given too many chances for this case, it all might be ruined.

The automatic glass doors swung open as you walked toward them. You trudged in, attempting to hide your face due to shame.

You headed directly to Chief's office, located on the ground level.

The silver doorknob creaked as you opened the door and let yourself into the large office-space.

"Ah- Y/N. How are you on this fine day?" His voice boomed with venom as he 'played dumb'.

"I'm sorry, Boss. It's just-- Joker, he--"

"Stop." He raised his hand, as if to stop your rambling voice, "I'm sure you realize how many chances I have given you? Throughout your carrer?"

"Yes, sir." You knew what was about to happen, and tears welded up in your eyes.

"I'm going to have to let you go, L/N." He stood up and walked around his desk to rest a hand on your shoulder, "I'm sorry about this, kid."


You stayed relatively strong for the following month or so after you were fired. You didn't make any mistakes or get into any trouble. You just stayed in your house, only leaving if necessary.

But, suddenly, you broke. You had no one; no family, no relationship. The loneliness caused you to turn to alcohol and to wallow in self-pity. You spent your nights at nightclubs and bars, and spent your days sleeping or working part-time at a department store.

One night, you were stumbling down the dark streets of Gotham, drinking from a glass of beer. 
You were dressed in a slimming, black dress and heels (both "borrowed" from work), to impress everyone around you.

A gold-painted, shiny nightclub booming with loud music caught your senses. You were too-- tipsy to read the name of the place, but you walked up to the door anyway.

"Are you on the guest list, ma'am?" The bouncer monotoned.

"G-guest list?" You slurred slightly, angry that you wouldn't be let into the club. Your drunken mind thought that flattery would work, so you pushed up on your chest and fluffed your hair, "C'mon, baby. You know you want me here all night."

"Ooo- officer! Hello, love." Someone cackled from behind the bouncer, "Let her in." The bouncer immediately shifted out of your way, and you walked in.

"Miss me?" A green-haired man popped out from the shadows casted by the door.

You squinted at him, "Who~? -- Joker."

"In the flesh." He took a small bow in front of you and linked your arm with his, "Thank you  again for letting me off the hook. That woulda sucked to be-- you know- in prison." 

"You lost me my job, you little--" 

"She's angry!" He jumped up and down, acting like a little kid, "Just spend the night here, darlin'." 

You took another swig from your beer, finishing it off, then threw the glass behind you. You looked up to Joker and smirked.

You turned around, to face him, and pushed your body into his. You smashed your red lips against his sloppily, and let them linger for a few moments.

"That was because you're so damn attractive, Jay." 

He smiled widely, his eyes crinkling closed lightly. He then pulled you in for another kiss.

"You're all mine now, officer."

A/N: Part 2, as requested! I hope you enjoyed! 

I'm reminding again, (Totally not because I have writer's block) that requested are open! 

wc: 659

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