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You were the most notorious criminal in all of Gotham. Yes, even worse than The Joker. 

Crazy, right? Joker is your inspiration for turning to crime. You looked up to him for years before you decided to act on your urge to destroy, and to get what you wanted.

Joker has been acting quicker than you and preforming crimes you wouldn't even attempt ,just to try to become the 'King of Gotham'. He had to defeat the current Queen, you. 

You, of course, hated this and chose to target him directly. You took his most prized possession away from him. You took Harley Quinn. 

She was tazed and thrown around a bit by your employed men. You, personally, chained her to a chair and locked her alone in a heavily guarded room. There's no way she could get out, but you did hope that Joker would come claim her. It was him you wanted, you didn't give a shit abut his toy of a girlfriend. 

Your wish eventually came true, but not in the way you expected.

You had anticipicated on Joker breaking in, guns blazing, with an army of fighters by his side.
No, he showed up knocking on the door, weaponless, and alone. 

"Where is she?" He asked a young 'intern' of yours calmly. When no response was given, you jumped in to play. 

"Ah, Joker, we finally meet!" You giggled, and held your hand out to him. He chuckled, picked up your hand, and kissed it. 

You looked back at him, and burst out laughing, "What the hell, J? You lose your venomous touch?"

"Oh God, no." He laughed again, "I'm playing nice... I want to work with you, Y/N, not against you anymore." 

Now you became completely dazed, "I took your favorite thing in the world, and you come here to propose a partnership?" 

"My dear Y/N, Harley is just something to show off and play with." 

"Prove it." 

He looked directly in your eyes, "Prove it? How?"

You led him to Harley's cage and gestured for it to be opened. 

When Harley saw Joker, her face filled with happiness. This made you cry tears of laughter. 

"Joker, prove to me that you'd rather work with me, than be with her. Kill Harley Quinn."

He shrugged, turned around to grab a guard's gun, and held the barrell to Harley's forehead.

The fragile, insane girl wept, screaming for her "Puddin'" to stop. He ignored her and shot her. Joker killed Harley Quinn under your orders.

You smiled, "Wow, J, I didn't think you'd listen to me."

He groaned, "Can we work side-by-side, or not?" He nearly growled the words.

You yanked him into a sarcastic hug, "Of course, J! We're partners."

A/N: This one sucks, oops.

wc: 467

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