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A/N: This one is a bit different...... in this one, you're Batsy's sister! 

"You're my sister, I don't want you getting hurt or getting into trouble, that's all." Your older brother, Bruce, lectured you.

"That doesn't mean you can forbid me from going out at night! I'm older now! I'n not a kid anymore!"

"Y/N Y/M/N Wayne! I've told you my conditions! No staying out past sunset! It's simple rules that must be followed!" He pushed you, you snapped.

"Are you serious? You're mental! Listen, I get it, you love me and want me to have the best and safest life I could, but you're way too protective! How about you try having someone watch over your every move, critize you, and confine you to a completely bland and boring life!" You screamed in his face, spun on your heel, and left the home without a warning.

The streets were damp with the previous rainfall of that day. The silver glimmer from the moonlight bounced off the concrete, somewhat making a reflection. Your hoodie drooped over your face, and your h/l h/c hair framed your face. 

You turned a corner, ramming right into someone. 

"I'm terribly sorry about that." You whispered and went to walk around the person, your emotions still set on angry-rage-mode.

"It's alright--" A male voice sounded, a laugh hinting behind his words, "Are you okay? You, darling, look worse than me after an unsuccessful heist." A chuckle escaped from his lips as you lifted your chin up to look at him, though you were confused by his words. 'Unsuccessful heist?'

He was an attractive man. Very pale, green hair, and tattoos were visible on his face and the skin of his chest that was exposed due to his unbuttoned coat.

"Rough night." Your thoughts shifted from the man back to your brother; Batman.

"Whatya say I take you to get a drink, back at my place?" 

So- you followed him. You didn't now the man, and he didn't know you, what could be the harm of a drink?

He led you to an expensive-looking car, purple in color. You sat down in the passenger's seat after he had opened the door for you and walked around the car to the driver's side.

"Ur- sorry. I didn't get your name--?" You asked innocently.

"Jok- uh- you can call me J." He stuck the key in the ignition, and wizzed off into the streets, fast.

You flew against your seat, dazed by the sudden speed, "Woah-" You mumbled, "I'm Y/N."

"Nice to meet you, Y/N." He pushed his foot into the gas pedal even more, and after a few minutes of pure thrill- weaving through traffic at top speeds- you guys came to a halt at a destination of a mansion. 

"So, Y/N. Tell me about yourself. Why was your night so horrible?" He asked while walking into the large estate, pouting at you.

"My brother. He thinks he controls me! What bullshit, right? He strives for my safety by taking privledges away from me! He thinks that just because he's 'Batman' that he can treat me like a freaking prisoner!" You got carried away and found yourself screaming your rant.

J's eyes widened and he seemed taken back by something you had said, "Did you say-- Batman was your brother?" 

You nodded, kind of figuring everyone knew this information about yourself.

His shocked expression folded into a large grin, "Make yourself at home, Miss Wayne.

He left the room, but came back quickly, with a bag. He placed the bag in front of you and motioned for you to open it. You followed his silent instruction, and saw a ton of weapons (knifes, guns, etc.)!

"Wh-what's this for?"

"You're staying with me now, baby, don't worry about that big, bad brother of yours anymore. You can consider yourself- mine."

A/N: Wowie, this one is much longer than usual! I might not update until after Christmas, so Happy Holidays loves! 

(Oh, also, 'h/l' = 'hair length' and 'h/c' = 'hair color' :))

wc: 689

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