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You sat still, the only body part moving was your eyes. They were darting side-to-side, following the words of your favorite book as you re-read it again. 

"Y/N, darling, can you put that damn book down for once?"  Your partner in crime, Joker, groaned as he walked into the room. 

You attempted to ignore him, and kept your complete focus on the words in front of you.

"Y/N!" He somewhat yelled now, clearly annoyed, "We have things to do!" 

Your eyes widened slightly as you instanted remembered the heist you two had planned to complete tonight. 

"J, can we please postpone that until tomorrow?" You looked up to him, your eyes large and your lips pouted.

He kept a nasty snarl on his face for a short time before softening and running a hand through his green hair.

"I swear, you're my only weakness, Y/N." He mumbled quietly. 

 You stuck out your tongue then giggled. You scooted over and patted the couch cushion next to you, "Come, sit. I want to read some of this for you." 

He reluctantly staggered over to you, and plopped down, his head falling to your lap, "Okay, baby, read it." A genuine smile was struck toward you.

You returned the smile, looked down to him, and planted a soft kiss on his forehead. This man may be insane, but he really made you happy.

"I love you, J, you know that?" You whispered sweetly, causing him to nod in response. 

You chuckled again, and flipped to your favorite chapter. You read it to J, him listening intently the entire time. 

Once you finished, J shot up from lying down, looked over to you, and said, "I loved it. Do you have any other books to read to me? It's kinda-- um, relaxing." He gave a embarrassed smile and chuckle.

You leaned to him for a kiss, pressed your forehead to his, and grinned, "I sure do, babyboy." 

A/N: I'm not dead. I am back. Don't hate me for being so inactive, please.

wc: 368

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