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You wiped your tears away, while you looked at your reflection in the batroom mirror.

"It's for Mista Jay." You whispered to yourself, "You can do this, Y/n, because you want to be with J forever."

With one last deep breath, you walked out of the bathroom and adjusted your button-down.

You walked slowly to J's location, nervous of how much this decision will affect your life.

"Y/N, darling! Stop being so damn slow!" He yelled in a singsong way.

"There's my babyboy." You muttered to yourself, smiling.

"Ah, Y/N." He twirled in a circle, "Here's the question at hand....Would you die- for me?"

"Yes." You said without thought, of course you would.

"Too easy." He smiled, "Would you- would you live for me?"

"Yes, Mista Jay." You stared into his icy blue eyes.

"Do not take this oath thoughtlessly." He placed his tattooed hand over your mouth, "Desire becomes surrender, surrender becomes power!"

You nodded your head, and became eager to devote your life to this man.

"Now say it! Pretty. pretty, pretty, pretty-"

"Please?" You whispered.

He gestured to the opening in the banister, overlooking the tanks of acid. You walked over, and turned around. Lifting your arms up, you looked to J, who was smiling widely.

With a deep breath, you allowed your body to fall. You weren't scared, nor tense. You felt like you were floating.

You closed your eyes tightly and made an impact against the acid, making a splash.

You didn't move, or try to swim to the top. Your body sank to the bottom on the tank, and you laid there, limp.

The ability to breathe became less and less, but still you didn't move. Instead you relaxed, as if you were going to sleep.

Another splash was heard, and you thought nothing of it, until you were brought to the surface. sweet, sweet oxygen filling your lungs.

You opened your eyes slowly, and saw J.

He saved you.

His head was thrown back with laughter, then he kissed you. The kiss felt amazing, as you lay in the tank of acid, your shirt and his fading and blending with one another.

You admit you felt differnt, like a whole new person, but you didn't care.

You can now spend your life with Mista Jay.


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