(12- part two)

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You've spent the last six months killing mass amounts, trying to feel something again, but to no avail. You were hurt. You were numb.

You spit the blood out of your mouth, and grabbed the table to yank yourself up. You picked up a hammer and ran out of the abandoned warehouse, chasing your victim.

"Y/N, stop." A frustrated voice filled your ears, and you raised your weapon. You looked up up to see Joker; the man who killed your best friend.

"Joker? What the hell are you doing? Here to kill me like you did B/F/N? Because you might as well get on with it!" You yelled at him, swinging your arms around in annoyance.

He placed his hands on your shoulders, "Y/N, baby. I miss you, and I'm sorry, you know I don't apologize often." 

You looked up to him with big eyes, "You're sorry?"

"Yes, baby."

"I should just forgive you then, yeah?" You said and he nodded, "Because you're sorry? 'Sorry' doesn't make up for what you did, J!" You spat, your voice venomous.

He sighed, then pinned you against the brick wall, his hands on your hips, "But what I dont understand is why you're mad at me for killing one person, when you've spent the last six months killing anyone you had power over!" 

You bit your lip. He was right. He only did one thing, and you hated him. And he came back for you after you became a gruesome mass murderer.

And you wanted him. You needed him to be yours again. You wished for his lips on yours again.

Then you couldn't take it any longer.

You wrapped your arms around his neck, and crashed your lips into his hungrily.

"Oh, have I missed that sweet taste of your lips." You breathed against his skin.

A/N: Thank you all for 11K! Its unreal! I love you all so much for your love and suppor! Anyhow, here is part 2 as it was requested! 

wc: 322

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