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Your friend has been abducted, and you were going to get them back. You're willing to do anything you needed to; they needed you.

You walked the dark roads of Gotham, searching for the Crime King of the city, whom you knew was responsible.

You had- history- with the one and only Clown Prince of Gotham. Joker was your best friend in grade school-- and you abandoned him.

You and J were inseparable, much like two peas in a pod. Since your youth, you two were the best of friends, but you ruined that.

J was in love with you, to say it as it is. You were too blind to notice, of course, and it broke him. He was stuck in this friendship, but he wanted more.

One day, he muskered up the courage to finally tell you. You reacted much too dramatically, as if it were the end of the world. You were disgusted that your best friend was in love with you.

After years of being ignored by his love, J snapped, became who he is today- became Joker.

He is now a cold-hearted criminal, with a mind for nothing but his twisted line of work. He took Y/F/N. Joker took them from you, there was no other explanation. 


The booming of music echoed in your ears as you neared the nightclub.

You weren't ignorant, you knew Joker and his actions. This was his place, he owns this club. 

You walked up to the bouncer, expecting him to ask for I.D. or money. To your surprise, his eyes widened and he jumped out of the way, allowing you inside without a word. 

Your eyes were narrowed, staring at everyone and desperately trying to find him. 

"Nice moves, Harley!" A voice- purred? That must be Joker. You jogged toward the sound.

Then you saw him. You stood, awestruck. He was so different now, much less awkward, less of the person you knew.

His hair was the first aspect about hom that you noticed. Vibrant green, slicked back. It intrigued you. Then his skin, much paler than before, more suiting to him. Then it was his tattoos; they're beautiful works of art, unique. But one thing really caught your attention.

His smile. It was the same as it used to be. How his eyes glimmer and shut slightly; the way his cheeks dimple lightly. It's beautiful, it's J.

You eventually looked away from him, leaving yourself confused. In this moment, he was attractive to you. Did you love J, afterall? Or was it just Joker- the new him? Either way, you realized. You did love J.

"Y/N! How long has it been?" He stood up, tossing his girl off of him. 

"J." You whispered his name, your breath shortening.

You instinctly fell forward, directly into his chest, your arms snaking around his waist.

"I've missed you." 

He pushed you off him, "Have you? You didn't seem that way when you walked out of my life, darling.

"You've changed, J." You ignored his comment, seeming to forget the real reason you were there.

"For the better, yeah?" He leaned against the wall.

"I-- you used to be innocent." You mumbled.

"I'm such a bad boy now, Y/N! Are you impressed?" He mocked, as a girl, as pale as him, leaned on his shoulders.

"I see you- have some- someone." You were making conversation with this- criminal!

He moved close to you, "Yes, but can anyone really get over- you?" His voice was low, seductive.

Your lips quivered, and instantly, you regretting coming-- then you remembered! Y/F/N!

"Did you take Y/F/N?" 

"Aww, Y/N. You forgot about your little friend! Because of- me?" He pretended to swoon.

You shined J a sarcastic smile, "Give them back, will you?" You said this almost causally, as if the abduction of your friend was 'no big deal'.

J whistled, and a tall man came over to you, his hand on the head of a restrained person.

You reached out to grab Y/F/N, but J stood in the way.

"Oh- sweet Y/N. I can't just hand Y/F/N over to you! You must agree to a date with your one and only." He smirked, and gestured to himself.

Buterflies flied around in your stomach, "Most definitely, J, I would love to." You smiled genuinely, despite the cruel nature of the current situation.

You stepped closer to J, faces inches apart.

"I should have done this when I had the chance, when you deserved it." You leaned in, and placed a short and sweet kiss on his red lips. Then you grabbed Y/F/N's arm and walked out of your love's nightclub.

wc: 789

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