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High school crushes. They suck, right? They cause so much drama! Whether it be deciding to tell your friends that you "love" some other student or not, or get angry when they show the slightest bit of interest in someone else. Crushes are just horrible.

But you just couldn't help it.

He was everything you've ever wanted. The school's "bad boy". He was known for fighting, skipping class, and maybe even drug usage. Sheer perfection in your opinion.

He had dark hair, even though he always said he wanted a vibrant color. His muscles were toned, and tattoos were spreaded across his skin.

All the teachers gave up hope for him. He was always in detention, and failing classes. His education meant nothing to him. But that's what made him irresistable to you.

His name is Jack, but he goes by Joker.


You ran into something hard while walking down the hallway, and realized it was someone's chest. 

"Shit, sorry." You mumbled as you bent down to the ground to pick up the books that fell out of your hands.

"If it were anyone else to run into me, I would kill 'em. But for you, I can make an exception." He bit his lip and scanned your body with a piercing look.

Your eyes widened alightly as you noticed who it was, "Oh- Jack. Hello." You giggled under your breath as you saw his eyes trailing down your torso.

"Eyes up here, Joker."

He immediately turned up to you, "Right, yeah-" He pulled out his phone from his pocket, "Here- put your number in, I'll text you later?" 

You nodded and grabbed his phone typing in your phone number and name.

"Talk to you later, dollface." He winked and walked away, leaving you dumbfounded.


You were lying in bed, completeing your homework when you heard your phone ding. 

UNKNOWN NUMBER - Hey, dollface. ;)

Y/N- Hey, Jack.

You laughed to yourself lightly, knowing he will hate you addressing him as "Jack". You added his name into your contacts.

Joker ❤- It's JOKER.

Y/N- So demanding. ;)

Joker ❤- You're so cute. :P

Y/N: Why, thank you, Mister. 

Joker ❤- Anytime, babe. Wanna be my arm candy at school? 

Y/N- Like, as a girlfriend? 

Joker ❤- That's what I was hoping, yes. :P

Y/N- Of course!

A/N: Honestly, I don't know what the heck this chapter is. It's so weird. XD 

I hope you enjoyed anyhow. <3

wc: 392

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