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He stood in front of the full-length mirror that hung from your closet door. He was buttoning up his shirt, an annoyed expression upon his face. 

"At least act excited, J." You walked up behind him and wrapped your arms around his waist. 

"Y/N, you do understand what I do every day? Kill people and steal money. Your parents are going to know that immediately." 

"Puddin', I get it, and I support you. If they don't like us together, then I'm all yours, forever." You smirked. 

He turned around and dove down for a passionate kiss, "You're already mine, Y/N." 

"I know, I know. Now, my mother is waiting on us, let's go." 


"What do I do when we get there?" Joker's hand was running through his vibrant green hair, while the other was controlling the steering wheel of his Lamborgini. 

"Joker, calm down. It isn't as scary as you're making it out to be." 

He reached down to your lap, where your hands were rested. He latched his fingers around yours. 

"I just don't want to--- I don't know,- seperate your family completely, perhaps?" 

"Joker," You arrived at your parent's home and you lover stopped the car, "If anything bad happens in there tonight, I will stay by your side. I love you." 

He smiled genuinely, but didn't say a word, since, of course, that would be against his personality. J opened the door and climbed out. You followed close behind him, your hand intertwined with his. 

You knocked on the door. Your mother answered nearly immediately. 

"Oh, hello! Come in, come in!" 

You walked into your chidhood home; nostalgia metaphorically hit you straight in the face. Your notortious Clown Prince of a boyfriend was basically attached to your hip, and he followed you around, unsure of where to go. 

You waltzed into the dining room. Your father was already sat at the table and plates of food were laid out. 

"Ready to eat?" Your father gave a loud, burly chuckle and everyone sat down instantly. 

J was sat next to you. He seemed nervous, which was very unusual for him. You placed a comforting hand on his knee. After he felt this, he loosened his posture slightly. 

"Say, Jack. You look very familiar... Have we already met?" Your mother asked innocently. You knew where she has seen him, on wanted posters and local news channels on TV. 

"Uh-- no. You must be thinking of someone else with green hair." Joker smiled unjustly, and you stared at him, despretely trying to figure out what was the matter with him. 

A while of silent eating and a few prying questions about J later, dinner was finished. Your mother ushered the party into the parlor and turned on her television. 

You figured it out immediately. 

It wasn't out of the ordinary. It happened nearly every night; he is the most feared criminal in Gotham. But why did it have to happen tonight? 

Your boyfriend's face was all over the crime and warning segment of Gotham News. 

The dropping of a pin could break the silence of the living area in this moment. 

"Get out." Your mother widened her eyes in fear and began to tremble. 

Your father grabbed you by the shoulder and forcefully chauffered you out of the room. Joker followed, and he snatched you from your father. 

"I thought you guys had the ability to understand." You sighed, and grabbed J's hand lovingly. 

You walked out of the house, entirely happy with your decision. J has your utter loyalty in life. 

"Don't come back here! You'll put us in danger!" Your parents screamed through their window.

"Oh, we're not planning on it! Joker will take better care of me than you two ever did! Goodbye, Mom and Dad!" 

wc: 645

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