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You were a police officer for the Gotham City Police Department. Your carreer meant everything to you, so you didn't have tme for a relationship, or to start a family.

You were put on a case a few months ago, to catch the Joker. Yes, the "Clown Prince of Gotham". He was the head of most crime throughout the city, and very dangerous. Your chief, your boss, had put you on the case with other three or four other officers. He trusted you greatly, and knew that you'd be able to close the case.

Chief must have been horribly wrong, because it has been four months since you were handed the case, and you've gotten no where. No leads, no witesses, no anything.

Well, that is, until the end of your shift one night, after a long day of inactivity.

You were drving home after work, when a bright purple car sped past you, someone cackling and throwing what seemed to be firecrackers out of their car window.

You turned your sirens on, not caring that you were off-duty. This man is putting others in danger!

You drove quickly behind the Lamborgini, in attempt to pull him over. But, instead, you found yourself in a high-speed pursuit with the man.

"Officer Y/L/N here. Come in, needed. I have a pursuit with a purple Lamborgini. Current status is at the corner of Wallace and Berry." You spoke into he police-radio. You heard others chime in saying they would find your location and help you.

You flew down the streets at top speeds. You were determined to catch this reckless driver.

You slowed down for a few moments, and turned around a different corner. You drove at a mild speed, to trick the driver you needed to catch.

This tatic of yours must have worked, because you saw the vibrant-colored car ahead of you drove along the road at a slower rate.

Just as you were going to slam your foot on the gas and run right into him, you heard sirens and saw police cars surround the Lamborgini. You hopped out of your car immediately, and ran to the situation.

You must have sprinted at full speed, since you were at the door of the "criminal" car, yanking it open, in the matter of seconds.

"Woah- calm down there, Love." A man with slicked-back, green hair put his hands up in surrender.

You rolled your eyes and scanned the man with intense stares.

You thought he was very attractive. His eye-catching hair, pale skin, tattoos, his lips that just seemed-- what were you thinking? You were supposed to be arresting him!

"I'll-- um, Sir, I'm going to let you off with a warning. If I see you speeding down these streets again, you'll be in jail."

"Oh thank you so much, babe. Such a sweet officer, you are." And with that and a wink, he was gone.

But not before you saw the glinting letters of his license plate.


And then it dawned on you, you had just let the Joker get away.

A/N: Eh,this one isn't too good. But, hey! 20 Chapters! 

wc: 524

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