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A/N: This is a little- maybe very- violent. Just warning you, don't read if you're squimish or don't like murder. 

You skipped down the hallway, following Mista Jay. He had said he had a present for you. 
You were happy! He never gets you special presents!

He led you down a staircase, "Just a little futher." He smirked slightly.

You furrowed your eyebrows together in confusion, "Why are we going to your toy room?" You weren't afraid, just curious.

He didn't reply, he continued down the stairs silently.

As you neared the bottom, you heard whimpers and your eyes widened. You immediately ran down the few stairs and jumped up and down at the sight of a woman tied up to a chair. her mouth taped shut and her face stained with tears.

"Aw! Baby! You shouldn't have!" You hugged Joker tightly. He pulled away and rolled a table over to you. Placed on the table were knives, scalpels, and a bat.

"Have fun with your first kill." J said and leaned against the cold brick wall.

You bit your lip and picked up a dagger. You walzed over to the woman, peeling the tape off her mouth.

"Let me go, please!"

"Oh- nuh-uh!" You rolled your eyes and traced her face with the blade. She cried out and squinted her eyes shut.

You then unbuttoned her shirt, just enough to reveal her neck and chest. Sticking the knife's point into her skin, you began carving your name into her chest, causing the victim to scream loudly.

You took a step back, admiring your work, "Want to die simply or painfully?"

She didnt respond, just shook around in the chair.

"Painfully it is." You smirked and walked over to her, sitting on her lap.

You leaned in even closer, pushing her hair away from her ear. You cut into the skin, her ear beginning to seperate from her body.

She screamed. "Simply! Kill me simply!" She pleaded, wanting to die rather than experience this pain.

You climbed off of her and laughed, walking around to the back of her chair. 

"Night, night." You whispered in her ear before sliding the dagger's blade across her throat, causing blood to spew everywhere.

You placed the knife back in its spot on the table and rubbed your palms together.

"Nice work, baby! I have to get you down here more often, I never knew what you were capable of!" J snaked his arms around you and crashed his lips against yours.

"Thank you for the present! I loved it!" You whispered, causing him to smirk and purr.

"Anything for you." 

wc: 437

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