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*TRIGGER WARNING! Mentions of suicidal intentions, do not read if the topic upsets you*

The wind blew against your tear-stained cheeks. You were on the roof of a tall building, standing on the ledge.

You lifted your arms, ready to step off the ledge. You couldn't do this anymore, it was too much. You used to be innocent, used to be happy.

You had a family, people who loved you.  Your mom- who always let you talk to her about anything. Your sister- who never failed to make you laugh. Your dad- who always treated you like a princess.

But you left them.

You turned to crime, you thought it felt right. That is was what you needed to be yourself, to feel complete.

But you damaged other people for your own benefit.

You met J. He's your world. Joker accepts you, supports you. He's too good for you. You love him with everything you have and more.

But he's just one pawn in your chess board of life.

You took a deep breath and looked at the cold, damp concrete below you. It looked so soft, so welcoming to you.

Tears ran down your cheeks again as you tucked a note in your jacket. You were done, finished. Life was not where you felt happy, death should grant you happiness, right?

You counted back from ten, lifting your leg, causing it to dangle off the edge. Your weight balenced on your other leg.

"Y/N!" You heard J's sweet voice, "You can't---" He yelled after he processed your actions.

You turned you head to him slowly, teardrops falling onto the rooftop. He ran over to you and grabbed your waist, pulling you to safety.

"J..." You said the only word you felt you could.

"Baby." He fell to the ground clearly emotional, but refusing to show it, "You're okay. I'm here."

"I-I could have done it- should have done it."

"No, Y/N. You shouldn't of. You deserve to stay here. Stay with me."

"Life is hard." You managed to croak out.

"Then we'll make it easy, babe. We can do anything." 

"I love you, J." You whispered.

He kissed your head and rocked back and forth, "I-" He prepared himself to say words he never had before, "I love you too, Y/N"

A/N: I'm sorry if you cried, I did too while writing it. :')

Don't forget that I accept requests/prompts! Comment some if you have them!

wc: 409

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