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You woke up to the wonderful feeling of stomach cramps.

It was the middle of the night, and you didn't want to move. After comteplating without yourself in your head, you decided that you should go to the bathroom, before J thinks your blood stain is the result of a gunshot.

You stood up from the bed, and made your way to the bathroom.

You checked the cabinet, and just your luck; no pads/tampons.

"Ugh." You muttered to yourself, "J! Babe!"

"What! It's nearly 3am!" Then he must've noticed, "Why is there blood on the bed? Y/N? Are you okay?"

You've only lived with him for a month; this was the first time he would have to deal with your "lady problems".

"J, calm down." You giggled, "Just come to the bathroom, pretty please."

He ran to the bathroom, concerned about nothing.

When his head poked in the door, you waved to him, half-naked, on the toilet.

"Don't tell me you woke me up to see you peeing." 

"What? No. I need pads/tampons."

"That's why there's blood stains on my satin sheets." He mumbled, and hit himself in the head for not using common sense.

"Baby, I'm stuck on the toilet until I get what I need." 

"Okay, I'll go get them."

"Thanks Puddin'! The brand is (preferred brand)"

"Okay, dollface, I'll be right back." He leant down and kissed your forehead.


He returned, and gave you what you needed. J also got you your favorite candy and an expensive bottle of wine.

"Aww! Thanks again, baby!" 

You pulled him to the bed and fell asleep within his grasp.


The next morning you woke up to the smell of (your favorite food).

You hopped out of bed and slowly made your way to the kitchen.

"There's my beautiful ray of sunshine!" Joker walked over to you and kissed you lightly, "Come, sit. I got Frosty to get us some breakfast."

"Okay. And just know that I only got out ofbed because I smelt food." 

You ate your meal, J watching you with all smiles.

"What?", you spoke with a full mouth, "It's my bed-head, isn't it."

"Hush, babes, you're gorgeous and you know it."

He's acting very cutesy. 

Maybe periods won't be so horrible with J.


"Jay." He looked down to his lap, where you were laying.


"Rub my belly." 

You rolled to your back,a nd he lifted up your shirt.

He rubbed circles on your stomach and leant down to kiss your forehead.

"I love you with all my heart, J." 

He smiled geinuinely, "I like you too, Y/N."

That was the closest he has ever said to 'I love you.'


The week has been amazing, besides the whole 'bleeding-uterus' thing.

J stayed home almost every night, buying you everything you needed and more, giving you medicine, getting you food, cuddling.

As much as you hated to say it, thanks to J, you now look forward to 'your time of the month'.

wc: 463

A/n: This was such a cute prompt! I hope you guys liked it! Sorry for any spelling mistakes. :P

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